grizzly moodle parent portal

by Catharine Kiehn 10 min read

What is the Griz family portal?

The Griz Family Portal facilitates the ability for a UM student to allow someone to perform only the tasks they choose. If the proxy has questions about the information they are viewing, the proxy should speak directly to the student. THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO SEE IT FIRST.

How can parents view their child’s work and grades on Moodle?

Arguably the best and most transparent way for parents to view their child’s work and grades on Moodle is the well-established POS* method, but there is a custom role, the Parent (or Mentor) role which allows for parents to view information about their child yet not be able to see details of anyone else’s child.

Why did Grayson County schools open the parent portal?

Grayson County Schools reserves the right to deny or cease access to the Parent Portal due to the abuse of the portal, court orders, or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of private educational data. Grayson County has opened the Parent Portal to enhance communication between the district and parents/guardians.

Who is allowed to access the parent portal?

Only parents or guardians of students enrolled in the district will be allowed access to the Parent Portal. Grayson County Schools reserves the right to deny or cease access to the Parent Portal due to the abuse of the portal, court orders, or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of private educational data.


Why do parents need to manage their SportsEngine account?

Parents and athletes need to manage their SportsEngine accounts to ensure they get the most out of their Creekview Jr Grizzlies Football experience during each sporting season. With their accounts properly configured, athletes and their families will receive communications according to their preferences and be able to complete registrations more efficiently. SportsEngine has created a Team Management Guide for Parents and Athletes that will help our members with frequently asked questions about our website and mobile app.

What role do parents play in sports?

Parents can play many roles in sport: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may influence an athlete’s involvement and achievement in sport more than coaches. Parents also are the first and most critical agents at socializing sports.

What is Moodle feedback?

When added to the front page of a Moodle site and with anonymous responses enabled, Moodle’s standard Feedback activity allows parents or guardians to give their opinions on important school issues such as BYOD policy and proposed curriculum changes.

What is a guest access course?

A course with guest access enabled is a useful location for messages, newsletters, and other essential parental information within a Moodle site that otherwise requires a log in. The Parents’ page can be linked to from the custom menu dropdowns on the front page, and if auto-login guests is enabled, parents can get directly to the information they need.

Is MoodleCloud free?

The advent of MoodleCloud brings with it opportunities for parents considering homeschooling to get together and provide a secure learning space for a small number of children without having to jump the technical hoops normally required for setting up your own site. It’s free, it’s up to date and reliable. Find out more about homeschooling on MoodleCloud.

Can parents see their child's grades on Moodle?

Arguably the best and most transparent way for parents to view their child’s work and grades on Moodle is the well-established POS* method, but there is a custom role, the Parent (or Mentor) role which allows for parents to view information about their child yet not be able to see details of anyone else’s child. While this has the advantage of parents not actually being enrolled in courses, thus avoiding privacy issues, there is no easy way to bulk connect parents to their children.

How to add parent to existing user list?

Select the parent in the potential users list and use the Add button to add it to the existing users list.

What does "allow" mean in a student role?

This set of Permissions mean that this Role allows anyone assigned to a Parent Role, then linked to the Student Role, to edit the profile or read the blogs of that Student - not everyone's profile or blogs.

What is the role of a parent?

Parent role. The role of Parent may be used to provide parents/mentors/tutors with permission to view certain information , such as activity reports, grades, blog entries and forum posts, about their children/mentees/tutees. The Parent role may also be allowed to agree to policies on behalf of their underage child.

Can the same parent be assigned to multiple students?

NOTE: The same parent may be assigned to several students, siblings or otherwise.

Can a parent agree to policies on behalf of their child?

The Parent role may also be allowed to agree to policies on behalf of their underage child. See the section on agreeing to policies on behalf of the child.

Why is parent portal registration delayed?

Given this information, the parent portal registration process may be delayed. In addition, grading information in the parent portal could also be delayed until enrollments are final and staff has had the opportunity to prepare grading formats .

What happens if you violate the law?

Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Where to address concerns about the portal?

Concerns about the data you find on the portal should be addressed to the secretary or principal in your child’s building.

Is the parent portal a privilege?

Access to the Parent Portal on the school district’s system is a privilege, not a right. By activating the parent portal account and accessing the parent portal with this account, you agree to the acceptable use policy. Users of the Parent Portal are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

Who must notify the district of a security problem?

Users who identify a security problem with the Parent Portal must notify the district’s Technology Department immediately without demonstrating the problem to someone else.

Can you set your own computer to login to Parent Portal?

Users will not set their own computer to automatically login to the Parent Portal.

Can you create a parent account if you don't have an account?

If you don't have an account you can create it once you have downloaded the Campus Parent App
