grove valley parent portal

by Ursula Stiedemann 9 min read

When will RGHS be closed in 2021?

May 19, 2021. Good evening, RGHS has been notified of 2 positive student cases of COVID-19, and Venango County is also in its second week of Substantial COVID transmission. In accordance with PDE guidelines, the high school building will be closed for TWO school days on Thursday, May 20, and Friday, May 21.

How long is Rocky Grove High School summer intervention?

We are excited to announce that we are offering a 4 week summer intervention and supplemental learning program this year at Rocky Grove High School for all 7th and 8th grade students. This FREE program will include transportation to and from school as well as breakfast and lunch each day. The program will run Monday through Thursday from June 21st to July 1st and then continue July 12th through the 22nd after a week off for the July 4th holiday. Each day at the high school will be from 8AM - Noon.

What to do if your child is not in school?

If your child is not in school, you may access his/her report card from the Parent Portal or call the school to make an appointment to pick up a paper copy. Seniors will receive their report cards at graduation. Today is the last day of school for elementary and high school students.

Is Venango County still in the transmission?

Earlier this week we were informed by PDE and the DOH that for the week ending December 3, 2020, Venango County is still in the substantial level of community transmission of COVID-19. This is the 6th consecutive week that Venango County is at a substantial level.

When can remote learners drop off their devices?

Remote learners can drop off their devices, chargers, cases, and hotspots on June 10th between 12pm and 3pm or on June 11th or 14th between 8am and 3pm at either the elementary or high school. If insurance was not purchased, parents or guardians will be invoiced for damaged or lost items.

Is Valley Grove School District in remote learning?

The District will be moving to a full remote learning model beginning Monday, November 16th and will remain in the remote learning model at least through the Thanksgiving break. An update on our status for December will be provided by November 27th.
