groveton isd parent portal

by Mertie Pfannerstill 6 min read

GISD Considering 4 Day Instructional Week

Groveton ISD is continuously evaluating our school programs and striving to find the best ways to serve the needs of our students and our community.

Groveton ISD is looking for parents to be part of the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

The SHAC is a group of individuals from the community that provides advice on coordinated school health and its impact on student health and learning. It also provides recommendations on changes to the school's health curriculum as well as other programs that affect student's health and learning.

Flu Shot Clinic for Students

Groveton ISD will be holding a flu shot clinic for students on November 9, 2021. Students are not required to receive the flu shot. Please see the attached flyer for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Jinny at 642-1473, ext.8204.

2021-2022 Socioeconomic Information Form

Parents/Guardians, please fill out the Groveton ISD 2021-2022 Socioeconomic Information Form using the paper form that was sent home with your student or online. The ONLINE option is available now using the link above. Submitting the online form is secure, quick, and easy with information going directly to the Assistant Superintendent's office.

Covax Clinic at Groveton ISD

The Texas Department of Health will be holding a Covax Clinic at Groveton ISD on September 9th to administer the second dose of the Covid vaccine to anyone who received their first dose on August 10th. It is also open to anyone who would like to receive the first vaccine in the series. Please see the flyer below for more information.

GISD Campuses Closed until September 7th

Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in our district, classes will be canceled until September 7th.

7th Grade Student Vaccine Requirements Reminder

All students going into the 7th grade are required to present proof of having received the Tdap, Meningococcal, and Varicella vaccines by the first day of school. If your child has received the vaccines, please send a copy of their immunization record to the school. It can be faxed to (936) 642-3254 or emailed to

What is Groveton ISD?

Through G Suite, Groveton ISD provides email account for all students in grades 6-12. Students will be able to use their school provided accounts to communicate directly with teachers. The accounts are monitored to protect against cyberbullying and other online issues. Students will be provided school approved email address.

Does Groveton ISD have Chromebooks?

Groveton ISD provides chromebooks for student use while at school. At this time chromebooks are not being issued to students for take home use. Chromebooks can be used for assignments and research as teachers allow. All chromebooks are filtered for inappropriate content and use. Any work done on a chromebook or using google services will be saved to the students google cloud drive. This allows the student to access any material they have saved from any chromebook or web browser.

Does Groveton ISD have a computer lab?

Groveton ISD has several computer labs, running Microsoft Windows, for student use. Desktops located in labs require a student account and password, created by the school, to use. Unlike chromebooks, any work done on a windows computer not specifically saved to a USB drive or a students google drive account, will only be accessible from ...
