gryphon school parent intranet portal

by Jaqueline Stiedemann II 5 min read

Where are the schools in the Gryphon Trust located?

Within the Gryphon Trust we have two schools located in close proximity of each other in the New Milton area. The larger is The Arnewood School which is an ‘outstanding’ popular 11-19 mixed Academy with over 1100 students.

How do I contact Gryphon support?

For any questions, please contact the Gryphon Networks Helpdesk at (866) 366-6822 or

What are the new send reforms at the Gryphon?

The talk will be held on Wednesday 24 th June at 6.30pm in the Conference Centre at The Gryphon School. It will give an overview of the new SEND Reforms and will explain topics such as the new Education and Health Care Plans which will support students until they are 25, the Local Offer, and give an idea of the type of support that can be expected.

What's on at the Gryphon School this December?

The Gryphon presents ‘Chicago’! The Gryphon School is bringing the chaos of Chicago in the roaring twenties to Sherborne this December. With a talented cast, be prepared to be blown away and transported into an era...


School closed – Friday 18th February

Please be aware that due to the red weather warning that has been issued for our area, we have decided to close the school on Friday 18th February to ensure the safety...

Year 7 Felt Creations

Year 7 students have been learning how to wet felt in their textiles class. They had a splendid time investigating the properties of wool and went on to design and manufacture these...

Gryphon Sixth Formers Celebrate Oxbridge Offers

Four Gryphon Sixth Formers are celebrating after receiving offers to study at some of the top universities in the country. Lucy J has been offered a place to study Classics at Oxford,...

Year 11 write Christmas cards for Abbey View residents

Chaplain Yvonne has safely delivered the Christmas cards written by Year 11, to Bev the Activities Co-ordinator at Abbey View Care Home who will hand them out to residents this week!

Our Autumn Newsletter is out now!

Our Autumn Newsletter is out now! With news about Duke of Edinburgh awards, rewilding our school grounds....and of course our production of Chicago!

A Christmas post from Year 11

Just like every other English Literature student, this Christmas, I am reading (and re-reading!) Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. Most of you already know the story: three spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show...

Former Gryphon student Muste is campaigning for safe routes for child refugees

We were delighted to recently hear from Muste, one of our former students, who has been campaigning for safe passage for child refugees - as he was a child refugee himself. He...
