gsd parent portal

by Darrick Halvorson 5 min read

What is the Granite School District portal?

The Granite School District Portalprovides staff, students, and parents with web-based access to many district services and programs. Some district services can only be accessed via the Portal, while others are also linked there for convenience and accessibility.

What information can I view through the parent portal?

Through our secure server you will able to view your student’s demographic data, grades, attendance records, class schedule, and emergency contact information. In the beginning of the school year, parents will also have the opportunity to re-register the returning students on line via the Parent Portal.

What is the purpose of the school portal?

It also gives you some basic information about the schools your students attend. It also is gateway to other applications such as Pay Pams, Grade book, and your students schools Web Stores. The portal is designed to be a single location for you to get to all the information you may need.

What is the parent portal in Canyon Creek?

Parent Portal Parents can set up Portal accounts to access information and services for their students, including report cards, test results, Gradebook, PayPAM school lunch payments, Canvas online classrooms (for secondary students), registration (for secondary students), parent-teacher conference scheduling via Canyon Creek Scheduler, and more.


How to create a parent portal for a school?

1. Go to: 2. Click on Gradebook/Parent Portal Registration. 3. Read the Information and click “ Register in the Parent Portal ”. 4. Fill in the information needed in the fields marked with an Asterisk *, then click “ Create Account .”. 5.

Where is parent info on a student's dashboard?

2) Off the dashboard, you will see parent info at the top and students listed on the left side along with their Student ID # and School.

What is the Granite Portal?

The Granite Portal: The portal shows you information about all of your students such as current schedules, Grades, Attendance, Graduation Requirements, Test scores, fees, lunch balance and more. It also gives you some basic information about the schools your students attend. It also is gateway to other applications such as Pay Pams, Grade book, and your students schools Web Stores. The portal is designed to be a single location for you to get to all the information you may need. You will be prompted for your username and password the first time you access Pay Pams or the Web Store through the portal. The password for those applications is then stored in a lockbox for ease of application access in the future.

What is Granite School District Portal?

Granite Portal. The Granite School District portal provides convenient access to many websites used by staff, students, and parents. Some websites can only be accessed through the portal, but for others you can bypass the portal and go directly to the site.

Do mobile devices have login forms?

Mobile devices only display a simple login form.

Can you access the portal without webpass?

The portal may display a warning that webPass is missing. You can access the full functionality of the portal without using webPass, so feel free to click Cancel. After a successful login, the portal displays three rows of tiles.

What is Granite School District Portal?

The Granite School District Portal provides staff, students, and parents with web-based access to many district services and programs. Some district services can only be accessed via the Portal, while others are also linked there for convenience and accessibility.

How to access Granite School District employee portal?

To access the Employee Portal, visit http://portal.graniteschools.organd log in with your Active Directory credentials. (You can also find a link to the Portal in the sidebar of every school web site and on the front page of the Granite School District web site.)

What is SSI portal?

Many of these resources have SSI (“single sign in ”) enabled, which means that once you have entered your username and password to access the Portal you will not need to enter it again when accessing these other resources through the Portal links.

What is the home dashboard in Portal?

When students log in to the Portal, they will first encounter a Home dashboard which includes a few Defaulttiles, a list of your Recenttiles, and Favorites. (You can right click on any tile to add it to your Favorites so it shows up on the home screen.)

How to log out of the Portal?

You can log outof the Portal by clicking the exit icon in the top right corner of the screen. This would be highly recommended when you are accessing the Portal from a public computer.

What is the Learning Resourcesmenu?

The Learning Resourcesmenu features district learning tools and links to other digital learning resources.

Is Granite School District responsible for the content of websites?

The Granite School District is not responsible for the text and content of websites not owned and operated by the Granite School District.
