gusd net production parent portal

by Mrs. Winifred Kerluke Sr. 8 min read

When will school resume in Glendale unified school district?

On Wednesday, June 2, Glendale Unified school and district leaders met with members of the Glendale Teachers Association (GTA) bargaining team. The District will resume full on-campus instruction beginning with the first day of school on August 18.

How do I Reset my GUSD student email password?

You can also click on "Forgot Your Password" and a TEMP PASSWORD will be emailed to your GUSD Student Email account. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 hours): 800-273-8255.

What is the status of GUSD's quarantine model?

As of September 20, GUSD has moved into a Phase II quarantine model, following updated exposure management protocols put forth by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Learn more and view archived COVID-19 dashboards at * This number may fluctuate due to changes in enrollment and staffing.


GTA Negotiations Update February 18, 2022

Glendale Unified is committed to getting as close to the wage increase proposed by GTA as possible without spending more than the state is funding.

CSEA Negotiations Update February 16, 2022

In addition to offering the highest benefits package of any school district in Los Angeles County, Glendale Unified is committed to offering competitive wages to our highly valued classified employees.

Glendale Unified Receives Golden Bell Award for Student Engagement

Glendale Unified Student Voice Panels have been recognized with a Golden Bell Award from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) for outstanding family, student, and community engagement.

Glendale Unified Reaches Agreement with Glendale Teachers Association on MOU for COVID-19 Safety Measures

Safety measures include masks, physical distaning, weekly COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations for employees and volunteers. Once approved, the MOU will remain in effect until June 14, 2022.

Glendale Unified Reaches Agreement with California School Employees Association on MOU for COVID-19 Safety Measures

The MOU includes a commitment that Glendale Unified will continue to uphold all health and safety guidelines from the California and Los Angeles County Departments of Public Health. Once approved, the MOU will remain in effect until June 30, 2022.

Glendale Unified Requires COVID-19 Vaccinations for All Employees

The Glendale Unified Board of Education adopted a resolution Tuesday requiring all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 1.

What is parent portal?

Q ParentConnection, frequently referred to as the “Parent Portal” is a web-based application which provides parents access to their student’s data. ParentConnection is also available as a mobile application for phones and tablets from the Google and Apple Stores.

How to view dependents on parent connect?

The ParentConnect home screen may display pictures and pertinent news and information from the district. You will be provided a personal PIN and password to login to view your student’s information. Once you login, you will have the opportunity to view the information of every student who has been designated as your dependent. If you have only one child in the district, the screen will automatically bring up your student’s information.

What is ParentConnection used for?

Many districts are using ParentConnection for their annual re-enrollment process. Parents may login and update contact and demographic information for students. Districts may also configure ParentConnection to accept the uploading of documents required in the registration process such as proof of address.

What is the default sort in Attendance Detail?

The Attendance Detail default sort is descending by date. Parents may click the column headers to change the sort order.

Can parents see student account balance?

Parents may view their student’s account balance if your district uses Q Student ody Accounting to track school fees. Parents may also make online payments through ParentConnection.

Is Lindsay from Larkson's in high school?

There is no picture available since he has not yet entered school. • Lindsay was du ally enrolled in both larkson’s and lair High Schools in 2019/2020. She has a summer school enrollment (S) at larkson’s and will return to larkson’s in school year 20/21.

Is ParentConnection copyrighted?

ParentConnection Copyright © 2020, Aequitas Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 5. Language Link – Each district may translate ParentConnection pages into multiple languages. If your district has enabled this option, and the parent logging in speaks a language other than English, clicking this link will access the application in their home language.
