gusd parent portal toll

by Katlyn Rutherford Sr. 9 min read

How do I Reset my GUSD student email password?

You can also click on "Forgot Your Password" and a TEMP PASSWORD will be emailed to your GUSD Student Email account. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 hours): 800-273-8255.

How do I access my parent connection/Parent Portal account?

To access your Parent Connection / Parent Portal account, please visit the Glendale Unified School District Parent Connection link below. We highly recommend all parents sign up for "Email Notifications" as part of your account. Simply login to your parent connect account, click on the upper right side for "Email Notifications".

What is parental connection?

Parent Connection provides parents/guardians access to their child’s student information over the Internet. Using a confidential Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Password, parents/guardians can connect to the school’s database and view their child’s Progress Reports, Attendance, Class Schedule, and update Emergency Contact Information.

How do I update my student and parent information?

Click “Annual Student Information Update” in red at the top of the page Update your student and parent/guardian information for each section (note: each parent/guardian will need to update their information using their individual PIN/password) Complete the household income survey (only one per household) and initial all parent handbook forms


GTA Negotiations Update February 18, 2022

Glendale Unified is committed to getting as close to the wage increase proposed by GTA as possible without spending more than the state is funding.

CSEA Negotiations Update February 16, 2022

In addition to offering the highest benefits package of any school district in Los Angeles County, Glendale Unified is committed to offering competitive wages to our highly valued classified employees.

Glendale Unified Receives Golden Bell Award for Student Engagement

Glendale Unified Student Voice Panels have been recognized with a Golden Bell Award from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) for outstanding family, student, and community engagement.

Glendale Unified Reaches Agreement with Glendale Teachers Association on MOU for COVID-19 Safety Measures

Safety measures include masks, physical distaning, weekly COVID-19 testing, and vaccinations for employees and volunteers. Once approved, the MOU will remain in effect until June 14, 2022.

Glendale Unified Reaches Agreement with California School Employees Association on MOU for COVID-19 Safety Measures

The MOU includes a commitment that Glendale Unified will continue to uphold all health and safety guidelines from the California and Los Angeles County Departments of Public Health. Once approved, the MOU will remain in effect until June 30, 2022.

Glendale Unified Requires COVID-19 Vaccinations for All Employees

The Glendale Unified Board of Education adopted a resolution Tuesday requiring all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 1.

Parent Resources

Click on the link above for information regarding DACA and local community events.


Opens October 1st – March 2nd. One application for multiple scholarships! Don’t miss out on FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE!

Please help our district by completing a household income survey!

This year, we are pleased to offer free meals for all students on our campuses! Although families are no longer required to submit an application for free and reduced price meals, we still ask that all families complete a voluntary household income survey. The information you provide is completely confidential.

Need Additional Support?

Online Support: Visit our ParentConnection support webpage or check out our ParentConnection user guide for additional step-by-step instructions. ( English | Armenian | Korean | Spanish)
