gvms parent portal

by Rasheed Greenholt 4 min read

What does GVMs stand for?

The goods vehicle movement service (GVMS) is a UK Government IT platform for moving goods into or out of Northern Ireland and Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

Can I add a team member to my GVMs account?

If you want to add a team member to your goods vehicle movement service account you must: The goods vehicle movement service (GVMS) is a UK Government IT platform for moving goods into or out of Northern Ireland and Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

How do I contact GVMs for an absence?

Via Email - GVMSattendance@gvsd.org Please note that in the absence of an email, the school will call home to verify the student's absence.

How do I contact the Great Valley School District?

For information regarding civil rights, grievance procedures, services, activities and facilities accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Great Valley School District, 47 Church Road, Malvern, PA 19355, (610) 889-2125, ext. 52116.


Great Valley Middle School

Our fundamental purpose is to provide outstanding middle level programs in a safe, positive and caring learning environment. This purpose is driven by...

Spring Conference Information

Spring conferences will be held on March 10 and March 11. The online conference scheduler in Skyward will be open from Monday, February 28 (8 a.m.) until Friday, March 4 (3 p.m.).

Black History Month Poster Contest

February 1, 2021 the Middle School will begin our celebration of Black History Month. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by Black men and women and their central role in U.S. history.

Honor Roll

Congratulations to these students for earning honors during the second marking period.

Welcome to GEMS Parent Portal

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.

GEMS Connect

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.

Who should register

You will need to register if any goods you bring into or take from the UK is through a port using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.

Before you register

You should use exactly the same address for Goods Vehicle Movement Service registration that you have used for any other Government Gateway service.

How to register

You will need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one for your business when you register.

Add a team member

Adding a team member to the Goods Vehicle Movement Service means that you can:

Skyward Family Access

Skyward Family Access is a way to view your child's class schedule, grades, daily attendance, contact information, and more. If we have your email address in our system, you may request a Skyward Family Access login or reset a forgotten password for an existing account as instructed below.

Student Information Update

Parents are asked annually to complete a Student Information Update. This update cannot be completed in the Skyward Family access app. Please use an internet browser. Note that families may only complete this update online at designated times of the school year.
