hackettstown parent portal

by Dr. Dameon Bruen DVM 5 min read

Why choose Hackettstown schools?

Building on tradition and success, the mission of the Hackettstown School District is to educate and inspire students through school, family, and community partnerships so that all become positive, contributing members of a global society, with a life-long commitment to learning.

What's new in Hackettstown?

The driveway at Willow Grove School and Hackettstown High School parking lot were paved this summer. Projects still in progress are as follows: Hatchery Hill School will have two new playgrounds. Installation should be complete by early November

What is the address for Hackettstown NJ?

599 Warren St, Hackettstown, NJ 07840PH: 908-852-8150| FX: 908-852-6214 Twitter Facebook Powered by Edlio CalendarParent PortalHomeworkDirections


What is Hackettstown School District?

Building on tradition and success, the mission of the Hackettstown School District is to educate and inspire students through school, family, and community partnerships so that all become positive, contributing members of a global society, with a life-long commitment to learning. It is the expectation of this school district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards at all grade levels.

What is Hackettstown School District's mission statement?

Building on tradition and success, the mission of the Hackettstown School District is to educate and inspire students through school, family, and community partnerships so that all become positive, contributing members of a global society, with a life-long commitment to learning. It is the expectation ...

How to contact HHS?

On Friday HHS underwent some electrical upgrades. As a result, we are slowly getting our system up and running. To contact us please dial 908-852-8150 ext. 2222.

COVID-19 Revisions for K-12 Schools

For the most recent revisions for the COVID-19 protocols for K-12 Schools as per the CDC, NJDOH, and NJDOE that Hackettstown School District will follow, please click on the link.

Virtual Participation Expectations

Click on title for the Notification Letter from Sheena Delgaizo regarding virutal participation expectations for students.

Student Picture and Yearbook Ordering

Please click on the link (title) to be redirected to the specific page for all the information on student picture and yearbook ordering. Deadlines do apply.

Student Vaccination Information Form

The District would like to collect COVID-19 vaccination information from all students who have been vaccinated. Click on Read More for additional information.

Mission Statement

Building on tradition and success, the mission of the Hackettstown School District is to educate and inspire students through school, family, and community partnerships so that all become positive, contributing members of a global society, with a life-long commitment to learning.

Superintendent's Message

I would like to take this moment and welcome you back to the 2021-2022 school year. While the school year of 2020-2021 seemed like no other before, the start of the 2021-2022 has presented flashes of what we once knew and new obstacles to overcome.

EdTech Learning Parent Newsletter

See the Winter Edition of our EdTech Learning Parent Newsletter, featuring students learning computer coding.

Covid-19 Quarantine Guidelines

Click here for a link to updated guidelines regarding Covid-19 quarantine and isolation for K-12 schools.

Student COVID-19 Vaccination Information Form

The District would like to collect COVID-19 vaccination information from all students who have been vaccinated. Click for additional information.

Virtual Expectations

Please view this important letter from Mrs. Thomas regarding virtual expectations.
