hall school parent portal

by Ferne Balistreri 8 min read

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

The Parent Portal is an important element of Power School, our student management software program. The Parent Portal allows parents and their sons/daughters to access information regarding grades, attendance, school announcements, and student demographic information. To gain the most from the parent portal, please keep in mind the following:

How do I set up digital access for Hall County students?

Hall County’s code is QPQYKK. Students need to log into a school computer that is attached to the school network during school hours to set up their initial student digital access password. When the login screen appears, type in your Student ID number that you received at registration into both the User Name and Password boxes.

How do I create a Parent Portal account for Infinite Campus?

To create a Parent Portal Account for Infinite Campus, go to the this website. Click on the “New Users Click Here” hyperlink. Read the “Hall County School System Electronic Web Access Agreement for Viewing Student Information” policy and click on the “Accept” button.

Why Hall County School District?

We are proud of the fact that Hall County School District students perform at high levels in academics, fine arts, career technical competitions, and athletics. Additionally, our district continues to transform classrooms and schools to meet the individual needs of our students. Read Annual Report to Community


When is Hall County School District open?

Beginning May 27, all schools in the Hall County School District will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30AM-11:30AM and 1:00PM-4:00PM. New student registration is open during these dates and times. The exception will be during the July 4 holiday week of July 5-9, ...

When will Hall County schools open in 2021?

May 25, 2021. Beginning May 27, all schools in the Hall County School District will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30AM-11:30AM and 1:00PM-4:00PM.

What is LCCA in Hall County?

Lanier College Career Academy (LCCA) was created in response to an increasing need of the Hall County community in the area of hospitality and tourism, including culinary arts, marketing, and business and resort management. The Oaks Website

What is a partner in education?

Partners in Education, created and coordinated by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce, is a joint effort with the Chamber of Commerce, Hall County and Gainesville City School Systems. View Our Hall County Partners in Education
