halton parent portal

by Prof. Roderick Block 4 min read

What can I do with the parent portal?

With the Parent Portal, you can: Follow your student's progress throughout the school year online in one secure, convenient location Access your student's individual course assignments and teacher information View your student's grades, attendance information and student schedule

What is the Halton distri​CT school board Welcome Centre?

The Halton Distri​ct School Board welcomes ​new families to Canada and the Halton Region! The HDSB Welcome Centre supports New/Returning families to the Halton Region. Additional Resources Important information about education in Ontario available in many languages

How do I apply if I live outside Halton?

If you live outside of Halton you need to apply through your home local authority. Once admissions rounds have closed late applications can only be submitted via a paper application form Email: schooladmissions@halton.gov.uk


Create New Parent Portal Account

NOTE – If you have previously created a subscription account with HSTS for delays and cancellations, this account is now your Parent Portal account.

Subscribe for Bus Delays Without an Ontario Education Number (OEN)

This method is used when your student has no OEN yet because they are a Kindergarten student or a new student to the Ontario public school system. Prior to the first day of school, you will receive a communication from HSTS with your student (s) busing information.

What is Halton Catholic School Board?

At the Halton Catholic District School Board, we believe that the foundation of Catholic education is strengthened by the cooperative relationship between home, school, and parish. As parents, you are the primary educators of your children. Catholic schools complement the educational and faith development that you have begun and are continuing with your children. We invite you to become more involved in your school and your parish.

Who should parents contact about their child's education?

Parents who have a question about their child’s education should contact the school staff . Initially, the classroom teacher should be approached; if there is further concern, the Principal, then the Superintendent, and finally the Director of Education may be approached.

What does it mean to be involved in your child's education?

Being involved in your child’s education could mean anything from helping with homework, volunteering at the school or becoming a member of your Catholic School Council or the Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (CPIC).
