hamilton high school parent portal

by Crystal Koch 4 min read

How do I contact campus support at Hamilton K12?

We appreciate your patience as these necessary tasks are performed. Need help logging in? Email campushelp@hamilton.k12.wi.us Check out the new Campus Parent and Campus Student app.

How do I create a parent portal?

Create an account and log on for information about your child's schedule, daily attendance, progress reports, and report cards. If you have never registered for the portal, click on "Parent Portal Registration" and complete the account information, personal information, and student information.

How do I contact the parent portal support team?

If the resources below do not address your parent portal question, please email parentportalhelp@htsdnj.org Please note that there is a 24 business hour response time when emailing the parent portal email address.

Where can I find the latest Hamilton High News?

Do you want the latest Hamilton High News? Check out our very own online newspaper:Paw Prints ". This site is updated with the current events from all areas... academics, athletics, and social events.


Alexander Hamilton High School

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


Please click here to view the Board of Education P.A.L.s presentation.

Parent Portal

Attention Parents: Did you know you have access to your child's attendance, progress reports, and report cards through our parent portal?


As of December 16, we have an updated penny count! Thank you to all the businesses, parents and students for your help!

Compliance Officer

The district's compliance officer designated in policy AC is also the district's 504, ADA and Title IX compliance officer.
