Parents may login using their own private username and password to access important infomation for the school, including upcoming events and announcments, but also helpful information about your child, including daily homework, attendance record, current grades and lunch balance.
The Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools Campus Portal website is designed to provide timely information to parents with children enrolled in the school district. You will need to sign up at one of the schools within the district to receive your Portal Activation Key for all of the BHM Schools.
With a single username and password, parents/guardians can access the following information for each of their children attending an HSD school: If you have not yet created a Parent Access account, the first step is to read through the Setup Instructions (PDF). When you are ready to proceed, visit the login page and choose the Create Account tab.
You have high hopes for your child’s education and we do too. We keep safety, education and real life preparation as top priorities.
Hanover always has something going on – whether it be larger events like Homecoming in the Fall or something smaller like a theatre show in the Other Place or a recital in the Fitzgibbon Recital Hall, there is always a reason to come visit Hanover.
The Hanover College campus and the Hanover community have always been considered safe places to live, study and work. Rare tragic events that have occurred on other campuses are unsettling to all of us. We want you to know that safeguarding your child’s and the campus community’s welfare is always a priority.
Here is a collection of general frequently asked questions and concerns that parents most often have. Hanover aspires to make the process of going from an admitted student to a first year student and beyond as easy as possible. This resources serves to be a robust representation of possible questions or issues that parents may face.
As a parent of a Hanover students, there are and will be certain acronyms or phrases that you may hear – whether it be on campus or from your student.
Q: Who can I contact if I have a question or concern, but don’t know who to call? A: Katy Lowe Schneider, is available as a resource to help answer your questions or direct you to the appropriate person to address the issue. She can be reached at or by phone at 812-866-6840.
Hanover College strives to offer as many resources as it can to student to achieve educational success. Academic success can be found in a variety of ways and through different avenues. By working with each student, Hanover hopes to ensure all students receive the support they need.