harding parent portal

by Lizzie Carter 4 min read

Where can I find information about Harding Elementary School?

Follow our facebook page: Harding Elementary, a community school for updates and information. Please call 2-1-1, United Way of Erie County's helpline if you are in need of information or referrals during this time. It is free and available 24/7/365 to all residents in Erie County, free and confidentially.

What information is included in the parent portal?

Parent Portal (Infinite Campus for Parents) Preschool Application School & District Report Cards School Aged Child Care (SACC) School Boundaries School Safety Information Statement about Professional Qualifications of Teachers Student Lunch Accounts (My School Bucks) Student Enrollment Information Student Insurance Information

Why choose Harding?

At Harding, we are committed to challenging the mind and spirit of all who enter our school community. Our students prepare for life beyond high school with a six-year plan that sets goals for post-secondary education. To register for classes next year, click here. All Harding students and parents MUST complete the iPad Orientation.

What are the schools in Hardin County?

Hardin County Schools Early College and Career Center College View Campus Middle Schools Bluegrass Middle School East Hardin Middle School J. T. Alton Middle School North Middle School West Hardin Middle School College View Campus Elementary Schools Cecilia Valley Elementary School Creekside Elementary School G. C. Burkhead Elementary School


How to get a Harding username?

To get a Harding username, follow these steps: Visit the " Alumni Account Request " page to activate your account and retrieve your username. If you need assistance, contact the Alumni Office at alumnipasswordhelp@harding.edu or call 501-279-4276. Contact Support for Alumni & Friends: 501-279-4276. Proxy Access.

How to get access to proxy services?

To get access to the proxy services, follow these steps: Have student create a proxy for you using the email address at which you want to receive information. Create a PIN. Visit Proxy Access Login to get started. Contact Parents and Alumni if you need help: 501-279-4276. Harding Online Contractor Access.

What is Harding Elementary School?

Harding Elementary School seeks to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through development-appropriate instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment where every student's self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved on our students' learning.

Is Harding Elementary a community school?

Follow our facebook page: Harding Elementary, a community school for updates and information.


At Harding High School, students explore new ideas, master new skills, challenge themselves to think outside the box and become life long learners.

Get the SPPS App

Get the Saint Paul Public Schools app and download it to your Android or iOS device and get the latest information from Harding, other SPPS schools of your choice, and/or the district office.

Our Principal

Be Vang is a bilingual educator and brings a wealth of experience in helping all students feel represented and accepted for who they are. She has served Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) for 20 years as a classroom teacher, a leader, assistant principal, and most recently, as principal for Mississippi Creative Arts School.
