harmony township parent portal

by Mr. Dameon Nienow DDS 7 min read

When are the Harmony Township Board of Commissioners meetings?

The Harmony Township Board of Commissioners will conduct their 2021 Business Meetings on the 3RD Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm or as otherwise determined. “The Governor has provided new criteria for indoor events. As of Monday, May 17th indoor events can be expanded to 50% of maximum occupancy.

Can I study abroad with Harmony Public Schools?

And with more than 4 study locations around the world, you’ll find a Harmony Public Schools Study Abroad program that both challenges and inspires you. Students must travel by transportation provided by the school except when accompanied by their parent. Parents may not transport any other child but their own.

How can harmony help my child transition to college?

Our engagement officers and college counselors provide our students with the resources and support needed to successfully transition from high school to college where our Harmony alumni organizations are ready and willing to provide the social and emotional support to help our high school graduates finish their college degrees.



Due to impending icy conditions forecasted for tomorrow, the Harmony school district will be closed Friday, February 25th.

Mission Statement

We put our children first. To that end, our first and foremost priority is to provide an excellent, broad-based education to meet or exceed current applicable statutes. In addition, we are committed to guarding their safety, building their character and nurturing their growth as lifelong learners and global citizens.

Harmony Township School

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What is Harmony Public Schools?

Harmony Public Schools offers dance, singing and glee clubs for students. They can engage in their chosen field.

How many college graduates will be in Harmony Public Schools in 2020?

The U.S. Department of Education is calling for five million more college graduates by 2020 to regain our global lead in educational attainment. Harmony Public Schools follows the strategies suggested by Harvard University listed below to reduce Summer Melt among our campuses.

What is Harmony Honors Scholarship?

These scholarships, known as a Harmony Honors Scholarship (“HHS”), are offered to eligible HPS graduates pursuing an undergraduate degree from a college or university ranked 1-100 in the annual US News & World Report “Best Colleges” publication.

How did Harmony change my life?

Harmony changed my life because the environment was built just to do exactly that, to nurture the minds of children and to alter their futures in a positive way.

What is parent engagement in school?

Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. To increase parent engagement in school health, schools must make a positive connection with parents.

Can a parent transport a child to school?

Students must travel by transportation provided by the school except when accompanied by their parent. Parents may not transport any other child but their own. Clothing worn is at the discretion of the administration.

What time does Harmony Township meet?

Harmony Township will provide for a blended session of the Township Commissioners meetings. The meetings begin at 6:00Pm. If you wish to attend the meeting remotely you may do so through the Zoom meeting platform. The Township building will also be used as the meeting venue.

When is Harmony Township meeting 2021?

The Harmony Township Board of Commissioners will conduct their 2021 Business Meetings on the 3RD Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm or as otherwise determined.

Harmony Township School - Preschool Information Page

Harmony Township School offers an inclusive Preschool program for children 3-5 years of age. Students are permitted to enter the program upon turning 3. In the inclusive classroom, typically developing preschoolers play and learn with those students with special needs.

Preschool Program at HTS

The Harmony Township School Preschool program is a 5 day/week program which has 2 sessions daily. The morning session runs from 9:00-11:30am (3yo class) and the afternoon session is 12:30-3:00pm (4yo class). Delayed arrival hours are 10:40-12:25 (AM session) and 1:15-3:00 (PM session).

2020-2021 School Year!

In person school: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Wednesday's will be virtual.




Every in-person learner must complete an at home health screening BEFORE leaving for school each day VIA PICKUP PATROL.
