harris county ga schools parent portal

by Cordell Smitham 8 min read

How do I Register my child for school in Harris County?

Current Harris County families will access the online registration/verification through their existing Parent Portal account by clicking the menu to the left titled, " Existing Student Registration ." You will also have the option to add other (new/current) students within your existing household while updating your current registration.

How do I set up a Parent Portal account?

To set up a Parent Portal account or report an issue accessing your account, please contact your local school. envisioning a system of world-class schools Gwinnett County Public Schools has earned and maintains system accreditation through Cognia. If any visitor to this site has an issue accessing information, please contact us.

How do I update my family's information in Parent Portal?

It is time to update your family's information in Parent Portal! Please select MORE in the menu to the left to start updating and verifying your information. IMPORTANT: This year, you will be selecting a transportation option for each of your Henry County students.

How does Harris County perform compared to other districts?

Performance Snapshot - Harris County's overall performance is higher than 83% of districts. Please read PeachJar's updated guidelines on qualifying for FREE distribution by clicking the link above.


How to access Harris County registration?

Current Harris County families will access the online registration/verification through their existing Parent Portal account by clicking the menu to the left titled, " Existing Student Registration ." You will also have the option to add other (new/current) students within your existing household while updating your current registration.

Who to contact for parent portal?

Please contact the data clerk/registrar at your student’s school if you need assistance setting up or accessing your Parent Portal account.

When is online registration for 2021?

Online Student Registration / Information. ATTENTION: Online registration will open for the 2021-22 school year on Friday, April 23, 2021. OLR links will not be active until this date. YouTube. HCSD TV.

Is Harris County online registration?

The Harris County School District is proud to announce Online Registration/verification for Harris County families, for the 2021-22 school year. Families that are new to Harris County will access the online registration by clicking the menu to the left titled, " New Student Registration ."
