harrogate grammar parent portal

by Alvera Hodkiewicz 10 min read

Online payments

To complete your online payment for trips and visits, exams, cashless catering, charity donations and voluntary contributions

Parent Portals

Our core apps, allowing parents/carers to access real time information regarding their child’s home learning, attendance and rewards and sanctions

Daily life

Information about daily life, times of the school day, catering, extra curricular activities and the house system.

Red Kite: Homework4 Parent Planner

The Homework4 Parent Planner provides student reports, their timetable, description of homework tasks and deadlines set by teachers. It also displays current attendance for the year and details on rewards and sanctions gained through our ClassCharts software (see below).

Classcharts: Positive Achievement System

Rewards and sanctions are issued through ClassCharts, accessible through the internet for both students and parents. Parents can monitor the number and type of reward or sanction their child receives over time. New parents will receive their parent code to log-in to ClassCharts once Year 7 students have been issued with their iPads.

SIMS Parent

The SIMS Parent app provides a convenient way for you to access, review and request changes to the data we hold on you and your child. Parents can use this app to update contact details including email addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers, so we always have the most up-to-date information in case of emergency.


Students are able to access Showbie as a website through a PC or an app on their iPad. Teachers can share resources for lessons and Home Learning through ‘classes’ they create on Showbie. Work can be completed by students directly onto a shared document using their iPad or documents can be uploaded from a PC.

Online payments

To complete your online payment for trips and visits, exams, cashless catering, charity donations and voluntary contributions

Parent Portals

Our core apps, allowing parents/carers to access real time information regarding their child’s home learning, attendance and rewards and sanctions

Daily life

Information about daily life, times of the school day, catering, extra curricular activities and the house system.


Neil Renton, Headteacher, would like to welcome you  to the positive, inspiring and inclusive community of Harrogate Grammar School. We value every student as an individual packed with potential, ready to challenge themselves in the classroom, on the sports pitch, on the stage or beyond. Our drive to achieve Excellence for All gives students the confidence to reach high, ask questions and be the best that they can be. Students are encouraged to pursue their interests, discover new ones and to achieve their ambitions. We hope this website gives you a flavour of the remarkable students and exceptional staff who help make HGS such a special place to learn and develop..

Parent Portals

Our core apps, allowing parents/carers to access real time information regarding their child’s home learning, attendance and...

Rock goes back to School at Battle of the Bands

Students unleashed their inner rock gods last week when they competed at the school’s Battle of the Bands contest. The event saw 7 bands, across Years 7 to 13, thrashing out guitar riffs and storming vocals in front of a live audience.

School of Rock 2022

8th to 10th February 2022 @ 7pm. Based on the cult film and with a rocking new score. Get your tickets now before they sell out for what promises to be for an exhilarating, explosive and all round rocking night!

Apply now for September 2022 entry

Sixth Form applications for September 2022 entry, please click through to fill in the online application form, the deadline is Friday 11 February.

Year 9 options

Welcome, within this section you’ll find all the information you need to help guide you and your child in making the right decisions for their year 9 options including a welcome video, subject videos, the options booklet and choices form.

Report a test result

It is important that students and staff report their LFD results to both to NHS test and trace and to us directly, please click through to find all the relevant links needed.

What is parent consultation?

Parent Consultation Evenings are an important part of the process and normally there will be one such evening a year for parents of each year group to consult with subject staff.

How many slots are there in a teacher's appointment?

Appointments are on the basis of ‘first-come, first-served’, and are limited to 30 slots in total per teacher. In a small number of cases, not all parents can be seen by teachers with more than one class (as with all Parent Consultation Evenings). If you are unable to meet with a teacher and wish to obtain feedback, please add your name to the waiting list or contact your child’s Head of Year.

Welcome new headteacher

I am delighted to welcome you to Harrogate Grammar School.

Parent Portals

Our core apps, allowing parents/carers to access real time information regarding their child’s home learning, attendance and...

COVID 19 update

We would like to thank you for your support, understanding and patience through such difficult and unprecedented times. We will continue to post on this page any relevant information and letters concerning the ongoing COVID 19 situation.

Student bulletins

On this page students will find links to their new bulletin. This will be sent on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week and will include any key messages we wish to share as well as links to important resources, top tips to help students learn at home and how to look after their wellbeing.

The Design team make PPE visors for local critical workers

The Design team have been working hard producing, assembling and distributing much sought-after PPE visors for local critical key workers by using our in-house laser cutter, the aim is to make 400 visors a day…

British Science Week

British science week is a national celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. To celebrate this, the Science faculty offered a range of activities for students both within and outside of lessons.
