harrogate ladies parent portal

by Desmond Hills DDS 10 min read

Red Kite: Homework4 Parent Planner

The Homework4 Parent Planner provides student reports, their timetable, description of homework tasks and deadlines set by teachers. It also displays current attendance for the year and details on rewards and sanctions gained through our ClassCharts software (see below).

Classcharts: Positive Achievement System

Rewards and sanctions are issued through ClassCharts, accessible through the internet for both students and parents. Parents can monitor the number and type of reward or sanction their child receives over time. New parents will receive their parent code to log-in to ClassCharts once Year 7 students have been issued with their iPads.

SIMS Parent

The SIMS Parent app provides a convenient way for you to access, review and request changes to the data we hold on you and your child. Parents can use this app to update contact details including email addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers, so we always have the most up-to-date information in case of emergency.


Students are able to access Showbie as a website through a PC or an app on their iPad. Teachers can share resources for lessons and Home Learning through ‘classes’ they create on Showbie. Work can be completed by students directly onto a shared document using their iPad or documents can be uploaded from a PC.
