harry ware parent portal

by Vicente Larson 8 min read

What is a parent portal?

The Parent Portal is a secure site where parents can log in to ChildWare to review and update information on themselves and their children. The Portal makes it easier for providers and families to share information and communicate more effectively. In addition to providing secure data access, the portal also enables new and current families to enroll children online and allows providers to email parents directly from ChildWare.

Is Parent Portal in beta?

The Parent Portal is currently in beta testing. Current users wishing to join the beta test group should call or email us to get started.

When is Ware County School System early release?

The Ware County School System will observe Early Release on Friday, November 19, 2021, as scheduled on the 2021-2022 system calendar. PLEASE NOTE THE REVISED TIMES BELOW:Both middle schools and...

When will Ware County schools open?

The Ware County School System is pleased to release its Opening Plan for the 2021-2022 School Year. The document provides details on the safety measures we will take and describes the face-to-face...

When is the Ware County Board of Education meeting 2021?

The Ware County Board of Education Work Session will be held Monday, October 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The regular business Board Meeti ... view image

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The cost of care is a deciding factor when choosing a program for your child.

What is the Parent Academy?

Good education begins at home and our Parent Academy is designed to help families provide the support needed for their students’ success. Through a series of workshops during and after school parents will learn specific student support skills such as student advocacy, financial empowerment, digital literacy and post-secondary access.

How does parent involvement affect school?

Parents play a significant role in supporting their children’s health and learning, guiding their children successfully through school processes, and advocating for their children and for the effectiveness of schools. Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. To increase parent engagement in school health, schools must make a positive connection with parents. Schools should also provide a variety of activities and frequent opportunities to fully engage parents such as:

How many college graduates will be in Harmony Public Schools in 2020?

The U.S. Department of Education is calling for five million more college graduates by 2020 to regain our global lead in educational attainment. Harmony Public Schools follows the strategies suggested by Harvard University listed below to reduce Summer Melt among our campuses.

What is Harmony Public Schools?

Harmony Public Schools offers dance, singing and glee clubs for students. They can engage in their chosen field.

What is parent engagement in school?

Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. To increase parent engagement in school health, schools must make a positive connection with parents.

Is Harmony a diverse school?

Harmony was really diverse, both in student and teacher population, which is one of the best things about the schools.
