hartford parent portal

by Mr. Louvenia Kihn DDS 3 min read

What is Hartford parent university?

Hartford Parent University serves as a “one stop center” for parents to be aware of other existing/new programs being offered in the Hartford community that provides parents family learning opportunities. A schedule of offered programs throughout the community will be provided to parents during learning sessions and monthly classes.

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal is a tool that allows parents and students to access real-time information about attendance, grades (tests, quizzes, projects, homework assignments), detailed homework assignments, messages from the teacher, and school announcements.

How do I contact the principal of New Hartford High School?

If you have questions please contact us at: parentportal@nhart.org Regards, Mark Benson Senior High School Principal Andre Paradis Junior High Principal Get In Touch 33 Oxford Road, New Hartford, NY 13413 Phone: 315-624-1000Fax: 315-724-8940

How do I contact the principal of nhart Senior High School?

Additionally, thank you for your continued interest and communication regarding the success of your student’s academic progress. If you have questions please contact us at: parentportal@nhart.org Regards, Mark Benson Senior High School Principal


What is the division of student success at the University of Hartford?

At most universities, student life and academic services are distinct units with different goals and priorities. At the University of Hartford, Student Affairs and Academic Affairs exist together under one label: the Division of Student Success. We know that every student is different and we work collaboratively to celebrate and support each and every one.

How can you help at Uhart?

How can you help? Join fellow parents and families in making a difference at UHart. We have seen firsthand the impact of parents sharing their time, expertise, and resources. From volunteering at an admission event to establishing scholarships or sharing internship opportunities, we are grateful for parent engagement!

Who is the President of Uhart?

UHart's President Woodward, send the University community this recent message of gratitude, thanking students, faculty, and staff for their commitment to staying safe during this challenging time.

Does the University of Hartford have an emergency notification system?

The University of Hartford provides an emergency notification system that enables you to receive alerts and updates as text messages on cell phones and through their UHart email accounts. Sign up to receive text alerts.

What is Hartford Parent University?

Hartford Parent University serves as a “one stop center” for parents to be aware of other existing/new programs being offered in the Hartford community that provides parents family learning opportunities. A schedule of offered programs throughout the community will be provided to parents during learning sessions and monthly classes. Any organization that would like to participate, please contact us for more information at info@hartfordparentuniversity.org.

How do parents help students with special needs?

Parents will increase their skills to advocate for students with special needs and work with families and school staff to create and develop plans that meet the student needs.

How many classes do you need to be a parent leader?

Must attend 10 classes between September and June within the same year.
