hauraki plains parent portal

by Dejah Gibson 9 min read

Our Charter

The vision, mission and values of Hauraki Plains College are represented by the enduring features of the Hauraki landscape and our school charter. The central metaphor, the river flowing out to the widening sea, represents our core mission: to prepare our students for a purposeful and hopeful future.

What we offer our young people

High academic achievement within a learning-focussed culture. Our NCEA pass rates are consistently over 95% at all levels. We encourage students to set high expectations with all aspects of their qualifications.

Can you wear a taonga pendant?

Nose or other facial studs are not permitted including clear studs and space savers. Students may be permitted to wear a pendant / taonga or tattoo if it has significant spiritual, cultural or sentimental value. The taonga or tattoo must not be visible.

Can you wear a taonga under a Hauraki Plains uniform?

The taonga or tattoo must not be visible. The standard Hauraki Plains College uniform jacket is the only jacket allowed and is for outdoor use only. Passes will not be issued for any other jackets. For additional warmth in winter it is recommended that all students wear extra items of clothing under their uniform.
