havering sixth form parent portal

by Andy Keeling 7 min read

Which Havering Sixth Form Campus is right for You?

Havering Sixth Form Campus Ilford Campus Rainham Construction and Engineering Redbridge Campus Tower Hamlets Campus The right course for you Application support Careers advice & guidance Apprenticeships Become An Apprentice Apprenticeship Levels Hire an Apprentice Campuses Attlee A Level Academy Epping Forest Campus Hackney Campus

How do I list all schools in Havering to apply online?

The Havering School Admissions Team process applications of all schools in Havering. This means that you should list all the schools in Havering that you want to apply for online using our In-Year parent portal, ranking them in the order you prefer.

What is the best sixth form in Hornchurch?

Havering Sixth Form Campus Havering Sixth Form is a friendly and welcoming campus, very close to Hornchurch town centre and easy to get to by public transport. Here, you will be treated like a young adult and taken on a journey towards independent study, whilst being given a high level of academic and pastoral support.

How do I access the parent portal?

The aim of the Parent Portal is to provide a two-way avenue of communication between yourself and the College. All parents and guardians will receive two emails one containing a username and one containing a password in order to access the portal. If you have received your username and password please click Create Account below.


Parents' and carers' welcome presentation

Click below for Parents’, Guardians’ & Carers’ welcome information. This is for our Hackney campus, as an example. If you missed your welcome evening, contact info@ncclondon.ac.uk and we will give you up to date information for the relevant campus.

Sign up for our parents and family newsletter

Sign up for our E-Newsletter written especially for parents. Just email marketing@ncclondon.ac.uk to get your email address added to our mailing list. The newsletter keeps you up-to-date with information, news, and events from the college. You can read the latest newsletter by clicking the box at the bottom of this page.

Havering Sixth Form College Catchment Area Map

Official pupil census data is not available for this school and we are unable to offer a heat map or likelihood of admission tool at this time.

Havering Sixth Form College Reviews

Do explain who you are and your relationship to the school e.g. ‘I am a parent…’

What is the parent portal?

The aim of the Parent Portal is to provide a two-way avenue of communication between yourself and the College. All parents and guardians will receive two emails one containing a username and one containing a password in order to access the portal.

Can I have more than one parent view my college account?

More than one parent or guardian may view information about a student. Multiple Students per Account. Each account can be linked to more than one student, so if you have more than one son or daughter attending the College, you may view their information in one place.
