hbhs parent portal

by Mr. Wyatt Orn DVM 8 min read

Why choose Homebush Boys'High School?

At Homebush Boys' High School we recognise the value of our cultural diversity, which enables students to develop tolerance, awareness and pride as citizens of our community. Our school is a progressive secondary school valuing excellence in the classroom, on the sporting field and in all cooperative community endeavours.

What if I have more than one student enrolled at HBHS?

If you have 2 or more students enrolled at HBHS, you will receive a separate login id and password for each student. 9. If I have problems logging into the parent portal, how do I get help? While HBHS does not provide technical support for your home/work computer system, support for login questions will be available.

What is the parent portal and how to use it?

The Parent Portal is for the registration of all students in your household. It is only necessary to register one student from your family, and all will show on your portal page. you must use Internet Explorer version 7 or higher.

How do I contact Homebush Boys High School?

Homebush Boys High School General enquiries addressBridge Road, Homebush NSW 2140 telephone02 9764 3611 emailhomebushbo-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au Get directions CallGet directionsMail Follow us Social media links Youtube Facebook Twitter


Does HBHS provide technical support?

While HBHS does not provide technical support for your home/work computer system, support for login questions will be available. Requests should be made using the email account available on the Powerschool link on the HBHS website. 10.

Is PowerSchool accessible from HBHS?

PowerSchool is accessible from the HBHS website. Each student/family will be issued a login id and password by the school. If you have 2 or more students enrolled at HBHS, you will receive a separate login id and password for each student. 9.

HBHS Hall of Fame

HBHS is excited to announce the formation of the Huntington Beach High School Hall of Fame beginning with the first induction class in the Fall of 2022.

James Rozolis-Hill Commits to Harvard University

Varsity Captain and 5x USA Olympic Developmental Program athlete, James Rozolis-Hill, commits to Harvard University for Men’s Water Polo.


At Homebush Boys' High School we recognise the value of our cultural diversity, which enables students to develop tolerance, awareness and pride as citizens of our community.

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