hbuhsd aeries parent portal

by Alexandrea Goyette DDS 10 min read

How do I create an account on the aeries mobile portal?

Create New Account Get the Aeries Mobile Portal App! If you need to create an account, click above on “Create New Account.” If you forgot your password, click above on “Forgot Your Password?”

What are the benefits of using Aeries in parent square?

ParentSquare will allow you to receive emergency notifications, community outreach and attendance calls. Ensure your phone number, email address, and home address are up-to-date in Aeries. Contact the front office if there is a change or if you are not receiving communication from your school or the District.

Where can I find more information about open enrollment and intradistrict transfers?

For more information about Open Enrollment and Intradistrict Transfers, see here: Login with your school Gmail account to Paper for free tutoring for all students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have more questions, be sure to check our FAQ and direct additional comments or suggestions to our webmaster.


Notice for Incoming Freshmen Families and Students

Please look for a mailer sent on January 3, 2022 with corrected information. The 8-Digit VPC code was missing or incorrect on the previous mailer.

Helpful Info

If you have more questions, be sure to check our FAQ and direct additional comments or suggestions to our webmaster.

Aeries SIS Portals

Students and parents create/login with their own individual Aeries accounts.
