hearne parent portal

by Isobel Labadie 5 min read

How do I access the parent/student portal?

To access Parent/Student Portal click on the icon above. Middle and High Schools will be utilizing on-line course registration for the 2021-2022 School Year through the Student and Parent Portal

When will virtual learning return to Hearne schools?

#HearneEaglePride https://t.co/RX0TWchUN8 Out of an abundance of caution both Hearne Elementary and Hearne Junior High School will be offering virtual learning for the duration of this week and will return to their campuses September 07, 2021.

When does the city council meet in Hearne?

The City Council of the City of Hearne will meet for a regularly scheduled public meeting on Tuesday, December 7th at 5:30 P.M. in the City Hall of the City of Hearne at 209 Cedar Street and will consider (1) re-adopting the City's guidelines and criteria for tax abatement; and (2) approval of a second amendment to a tax abatement agreement.


Teacher Incentive Allotment

The Teacher Incentive Allotment goal is to provide a realistic pathway to pay outstanding teachers six-figure salaries. In turn, this will help recruit and retain highly effective teachers and provide incentives for teachers to teach at challenging campuses.

Teacher Eligibility

The teacher must have a valid SBEC certificate. Eligible types of certification include Standard, Professional, and Provisional. Eligible classes of certificates include: Classroom teacher (Chapter 233) and Reading Specialist (Chapter 239).

TIA Designations

Teachers may receive one of three ratings based on T-TESS and Student Growth Measures: recognized, exemplary, or master. Once district criteria has been developed, a teacher's T-TESS and Student Growth measures will be evaluated based upon the developed rubric. Texas Tech University will verify the process and the validity of the data.

District Designations

The local school district will use teacher observation and student performance for evaluating the overall impact of the teacher evaluation. Additionally, the district may include optional components for the local Hearne ISD TIA plan. The district will survey teachers for input on these additional measurements.

District Approval

School districts must submit an application to TEA for approval. Hearne ISD has been placed for consideration in Cohort D. The possible sequence for district approval includes:

What is Harmony Public Schools?

Harmony Public Schools offers dance, singing and glee clubs for students. They can engage in their chosen field.

What is parent engagement in school?

Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. To increase parent engagement in school health, schools must make a positive connection with parents.

How many college graduates will be in Harmony Public Schools in 2020?

The U.S. Department of Education is calling for five million more college graduates by 2020 to regain our global lead in educational attainment. Harmony Public Schools follows the strategies suggested by Harvard University listed below to reduce Summer Melt among our campuses.

How did Harmony change my life?

Harmony changed my life because the environment was built just to do exactly that, to nurture the minds of children and to alter their futures in a positive way.

Can a parent transport a child to school?

Students must travel by transportation provided by the school except when accompanied by their parent. Parents may not transport any other child but their own. Clothing worn is at the discretion of the administration.
