heathfield knoll school parent portal

by Miracle Mayer 8 min read

Who is the head of Heathfield Knoll School?

KSI acquired Heathfield Knoll School in 2020 and has already provided significant investment into the improvement of the site and facilities. The Head, Lawrence Collins, and all existing teaching staff remained at the school at the point of acquisition.

What makes Heathfield Knoll unique?

What makes Heathfield Knoll unique is the focus on relationships and the time invested in understanding the needs of each individual. One of our core values is 'Happiness' we support children by teaching and strengthening mental resilience and fostering relationships. At Heathfield Knoll we believe in openness and full transparency.

Why choose Knollwood Elementary School?

Knollwood Elementary School provides curriculum for students from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. An exemplary staff of classroom teachers, specialists and support personnel are committed to delivering quality education to all students. We invite you to visit our site regularly to check for information regarding our school and special events!


What is Heathfield Knoll?

Heathfield Knoll is an independent school that supports effective and smooth pupil transition. Pupils benefit from small class sizes, always less than 20, and a team of staff who know the children very well. As pupils grow and mature, they are afforded increased levels of responsibility and independence.

Does Heathfield Knoll School have SATs?

As an independent school Heathfield Knoll School pupils do not sit SATS. There is continuous assessment of work and teachers are able to identify areas for improvement. Pupils are encouraged to think about their GCSE options and staff will help them discover their passions and potential.

Is Heathfield Knoll a high achieving school?

High Achieving. Heathfield Knoll is an all-inclusive, high achieving school that supports pupils to reach their potential. GCSE results are consistently the highest in the Wyre Forest.

What grade is Knollwood Elementary School?

Knollwood Elementary School provides curriculum for students from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. An exemplary staff of classroom teachers, specialists and support personnel are committed to delivering quality education to all students.

When is kindergarten registration open for 2021?

Kindergarten registration for the 2021-2022 school year opens on March 1, 2021 at 9:00 AM.
