henrico county parent portal

by Mr. Grover Pagac 9 min read

What is the address for Henrico County public schools?

P.O. Box 23120 | 3820 Nine Mile Road | Henrico, Virginia 23223 804-652-3600 Henrico County Public Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse educational, social, and civic learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

If you have more than one child in Henrico Schools, PowerSchool Parent Portal makes it easy: parents and guardians can view all of their children’s information in one place, with one login and password. Students have separate accounts and log in using their HCPS usernames and passwords.

What is the rycor online student portal?

The portal also gives you “single sign-on” access to other online services such as RYCOR Online Forms and MySchoolBucks, without having to create accounts specifically for those sites. The online student information tool comes in two versions: one for students, and one for parents and guardians.

Is it easier to find online school services in HCPs?

It’s easier than ever for HCPS families to find the right online school services and resources. Now, when you visit the sites below, you’ll see answers to two questions: Who can sign up?


What is PowerSchool for parents?

PowerSchool gives families in grades 2-12 easy access to class grades, attendance information, and student schedules. The online student information tool comes in two versions: one for students and one for parents and guardians called PowerSchool Parent Portal. While students get their accounts automatically, parents and guardians must create ...

Can parents view schoology?

Since Schoology lives on the Internet, parents of Schoology users can securely login and view their students learning at any time, from anywhere. Users can view the most current course assignments, updates, calendars, and even receive a weekly summary of their students’ progress.

Family & Student Resources

Nestled off Nuckols Road and Concourse Boulevard in Glen Allen, Virginia, Holman Middle School opened in September 2010 and is the newest middle school in Henrico County. Equipped with the latest and most up-to-date technology to enhance instruction, HMS students are provided unique interactive learning experiences.


Reporting an Absence: A parent or guardian is encouraged to call the Attendance Hotline (804.346.1308) before 9:00 AM to report a student’s absence.
