henrico county va parent portal

by Dr. Christopher Pfeffer 7 min read

Where can I find grades in Henrico County public schools?

For the most up to date information, please visit the Henrico County Public Schools Online Services Web page. It is important to note that while grades may appear in Schoology courses, PowerSchool is still the school’s gradebook of record. For up-to-date grades, make sure you are checking PowerSchool.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

If you have more than one child in Henrico Schools, PowerSchool Parent Portal makes it easy: parents and guardians can view all of their children’s information in one place, with one login and password. Students have separate accounts and log in using their HCPS usernames and passwords.

How do parents complete school forms online?

Parents and guardians with students in pre-K through grade 12 can complete and submit school forms online by signing into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. First you must create a PowerSchool Parent Portal account. What is needed? A PowerSchool Parent Portal.

How do I contact the Henrico County Permit Center?

If you have any questions about our services, or wish to make an appointment, please contact the Permit Center at 501-7280 or permitcenter@henrico.us. Henrico County has moved all permitting and inspection processes online to Build Henrico for all permits submitted after August 30, 2021.


What is PowerSchool for parents?

PowerSchool gives families in grades 2-12 easy access to class grades, attendance information, and student schedules. The online student information tool comes in two versions: one for students and one for parents and guardians called PowerSchool Parent Portal. While students get their accounts automatically, parents and guardians must create ...

Can parents view schoology?

Since Schoology lives on the Internet, parents of Schoology users can securely login and view their students learning at any time, from anywhere. Users can view the most current course assignments, updates, calendars, and even receive a weekly summary of their students’ progress.

Build Henrico

Henrico County has moved all permitting and inspection processes online to Build Henrico for all permits submitted after August 30, 2021.

Residential Applications and Forms

Residential applications and forms needed for a building permit, plan review comments and permit resubmittals. This includes construction of new houses, renovations/additions to existing houses, moving or demolition of one- and two- family dwellings, decks, porches, sheds, garages and swimming pools.

Sign Permit Applications and Forms

Applications and forms needed to obtain a sign permit. This includes both building mounted and freestanding signage that is to be erected or structurally altered.

Legacy Permitting System

Schedule an inspection, amend or cancel a building permit submitted or issued prior to August 30, 2021 in the Legacy Permitting System.
