henrico parent portal

by Krystal Strosin 4 min read

Where can I find grades in Henrico County public schools?

For the most up to date information, please visit the Henrico County Public Schools Online Services Web page. It is important to note that while grades may appear in Schoology courses, PowerSchool is still the school’s gradebook of record. For up-to-date grades, make sure you are checking PowerSchool.

What is PowerSchool Parent Portal?

PowerSchool Parent Portal gives families with students in pre-K through grade 12 easy access to class grades, attendance information and student schedules. The portal also gives you “single sign-on” access to other online services such as RYCOR Online Forms and MySchoolBucks, without having to create accounts specifically for those sites.

What is the rycor online student portal?

The portal also gives you “single sign-on” access to other online services such as RYCOR Online Forms and MySchoolBucks, without having to create accounts specifically for those sites. The online student information tool comes in two versions: one for students, and one for parents and guardians.

Is the Schoology parent portal open?

The Schoology Parent Portal is now open! Schoology is an online application that organizes all the digital elements of your student’s education. Since Schoology lives on the Internet, parents of Schoology users can securely login and view their students learning at any time, from anywhere.


What is PowerSchool for parents?

PowerSchool gives families in grades 2-12 easy access to class grades, attendance information, and student schedules. The online student information tool comes in two versions: one for students and one for parents and guardians called PowerSchool Parent Portal. While students get their accounts automatically, parents and guardians must create ...

Can parents view schoology?

Since Schoology lives on the Internet, parents of Schoology users can securely login and view their students learning at any time, from anywhere. Users can view the most current course assignments, updates, calendars, and even receive a weekly summary of their students’ progress.

What is PowerSchool Parent Portal?

PowerSchool Parent Portal gives families with students in pre-K through grade 12 easy access to class grades, attendance information and student schedules. The portal also gives you “single sign-on” access to other online services such as RYCOR Online Forms and MySchoolBucks, without having to create accounts specifically for those sites.

What is HCPS digital learning tool?

The HCPS Digital Learning Tools page is your place for a wide range of resources for e-learning, including apps, software and free internet resources that have been reviewed and approved for students.

What is PowerSchool for kids?

PowerSchool gives families with students in pre-K through grade 12 easy access to class grades, attendance information and student schedules. The portal also gives you “single sign-on” access to other online services such as RYCOR Online Forms and MySchoolBucks, without having to create accounts specifically for those sites. The online student information tool comes in two versions: one for students, and one for parents and guardians. While students get their accounts automatically, parents and guardians need to create an account.

Can you sign up for Schoology on PowerSchool?

You must sign up for a PowerSchool Parent Portal account before creating a Schoology account, in order to get the necessary access code. Schoology can be accessed using a browser on a computer, phone or tablet, or by downloading the app for Apple or Android devices.
