henry county school parent portal

by Dr. Danyka Bartoletti PhD 6 min read

Why is there a website for Henry County Schools?

Within this site is valuable information that will help you understand our mission, objective, and promise to provide quality education to all students who attend our schools Henry County, Alabama. This site enables us to easily communicate information to our students, parents, and the general public.

How do I enroll my child in kindergarten in Henry County?

Children who will be 5 years old on or before 8/1/2021 are eligible for Kindergarten enrollment with Henry County Public Schools. To enroll your Kindergarten student you will need to gather the following documents before beginning your online registration application.

What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) is a web-based program that provides all parents with the ability to view academic information for their student (s) through the Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus provides parents information about their child's schoolwork and progress.

How do I update my family's information in Parent Portal?

It is time to update your family's information in Parent Portal! Please select MORE in the menu to the left to start updating and verifying your information. IMPORTANT: This year, you will be selecting a transportation option for each of your Henry County students.


When is Henry County School District screening?

Screenings are held in April and/or May.

When will HCPS open enrollment for 2021?

Applications for Kindergarten students and existing HCPS students will open for enrollment beginning April 26, 2021. All other new student enrollment applications will be open, however, they won’t be processed for enrollment until after June 1, 2021.

What is a pre-school screening?

The Preschool Screening is a free service offered to parents who wish to enroll their 3 or 4-year-old child in Head Start or Preschool in the fall. The screening helps determine each child’s eligibility for the program. Areas that will be screened include vision, hearing, motor skills, concepts and language development. Children that are 3 or 4 years old by August 1st and reside in the Henry County School District are eligible for a screening. Screenings are held in April and/or May. To schedule your child for a screening please use this form: https://forms.gle/FWgzk5FuNx9Kv6TG7

What is an annual update for online registration?

Online Registration (Annual Update) Each year students are required to have an enrollment application completed. The information you provided during last year's Online Registration will be carried into the new application. You will have the ability to make changes if needed while completing the application.

What is required for 6th graders in Kentucky?

Incoming 6th grade students - REQUIRED: new school entry physical, up-to-date Kentucky Immunization certificate.

What is needed for a Kentucky birth certificate?

REQUIRED: Proof of residency, official birth certificate (no hospital copies accepted), up-to-date Kentucky Immunization Certificate*, school entry physical*, eye exam* (completed by an eye doctor, not family physician), and dental exam*. OPTIONAL: social security card

When does the first year of school start in HCPS?

The first year for primary school for HCPS begins with students who turn 5 years old on or before August 1 for the 2021-2022 school year. In accordance with KRS 158.031 (6), HCPS has established criteria for early entrance to Primary (P1), also known as Kindergarten, for students who have mastered kindergarten benchmarks before age 5.

Resources for Your Well-Being

Quick search for resources in our community to help you stay healthy and safe!

K-8 Summer Scholar Guide for Parents

As our students leave for summer break, we wanted to share some ways that parents can continue to support their child in math and reading wh...


Windsor High School has started a Greyhound Athletic Hall of Fame. Click here for more information.

School News

In order to help ensure the health and safety of our students and staff, Henry County R1 School District will be closed on Thursday, January 13th and Friday, January 14th to allow for our facilities to be deep cleaned and disinfected.
