heritage elementary parent portal

by Brandy Dach III 6 min read

Why choose Heritage Elementary School?

At Heritage Elementary, we lay a foundation for growth with a focus on fundamentals - reading, writing, math, science, history, and art - all in a safe and nurturing environment. In everything we do, we seek to instill in our students an appreciation for American heritage and a love for our country and the freedoms we enjoy.

Where can I find the School Supply List for heritage schools?

You can view our facebook page via our website facebook icon or directly at www.facebook.com/HeritageSTEAMElementarySchool! School supply lists for all grade levels are linked here.

What is STEAM learning at Heritage?

These skills are learned by studying science, technology, engineering, arts, and math—subjects collectively referred to as STEAM. Heritage Elementary plans to provide high-quality STEAM learning opportunities to all students, so they can collectively learn and understand these concepts and use them as foundation for their future careers.

What is parent university?

Parent University is an on-demand resource created to help parents become full partners in their child’s education. Our goal is to increase collaboration and involvement between schools, families, and community. Parents will have access to on-demand content to view at their leisure.


What is Heritage Elementary?

At Heritage Elementary, we lay a foundation for growth with a focus on fundamentals - reading, writing, math, science, history, and art - all in a safe and nurturing environment.

When will California pass AB 104?

This summer, the California legislature passed AB 104 allowing students to have their 2020-2021 school year grades changed to a Pass or No Pass grade. Assembly Bill (AB) 104 req...
