hhs.edu.pk parent portal

by Mervin Ankunding 3 min read


Students in the secondary section are provided with an opportunity to learn to coding, starting from basic commands and moving towards critical coding concepts.

Theatre & Acting

Instructors from NAPA (National Academy of Performing Arts) train the students in the Theatre & Acting Club at HHS OLG, Gulshan, O Level and Society Campuses.


Trained horticulturists conduct the Environment/ Gardening Club at HHS senior campuses at OLG, Gulshan, Society, OLC and OLS.


Students are made to master the art of public speaking through regular inter-campus Elocution competitions.


The Happy Home School System is well-known for its academic excellence, with students regularly securing positions and laurels, and going on to distinguish themselves as scientists, engineers, businessmen, doctors, teachers and other professionals around the world.


To provide a solid education in the core and optional academic areas such as Languages, Sciences, Mathematics, Islamic Studies, Social Sciences, Computer Studies and Art.

The School Management believes that professional development of teachers is essential and an ongoing process. Hence the Quality Enhancement Cell among other issues, also dedicates its resources to provide in-service professional development opportunities, which helps teachers keep up with issues and current trends in education and also provide opportunity to learn other skills as well. The teachers are also encouraged to attend online and school sponsored in-person workshops and professional development sessions conducted by external teacher development organizations

The School Management believes that professional development of teachers is essential and an ongoing process.
