hiding student requests from parent portal

by Prof. Leta Heller 6 min read

Click on " Settings " in the top right-hand corner and select " Business Settings " from the drop-down menu. From the " Options " tab, scroll down to the " Student Portal " section and locate the " Accounts & Invoices " field. Select the " Hide Account & Invoices from Parents " box.

Full Answer

What are additional questions parents must answer?

For example, if a change is made to a child’s transportation plan, the additional question parents must answer are what the child’s new transportation method will be (e.g. bus, car, other). These transportation options are pulled in from the school’s Transportation method configuration options.

What is pending logistic request?

Pending logistic requests are assigned for review based on the logistic request category the parent selected on the request form. This way only individuals responsible for the particular logistic area of the system (i.e. attendance, transportation, or extended care) will see the pending logistic requests that are relevant to the area they are responsible for.

Can parents change attendance?

For each of their children, parents can submit an attendance change for a range of days. Changes may include a planned vacation in which a student will be out of school for an extended period of time.

Can parents change attendance for extended period of time?

For each of their children, parents can submit an attendance change for a range of days. Changes may include a planned vacation in which a student will be out of school for an extended period of time. Additional Question: Parents set the start and end date for their student’s extended absence.

Can parents update transportation plan?

Parents can then set the reason for the update/change accordingly. The ability to update a student’s transportation plan or extended care schedule is only possible if the school has the Transportation or Extended Care module.

Can parents submit extended care requests?

Parents are able to submit requests for attendance, transportation, and extended care changes for each of their children directly from the portal. When the Portal Logistic form is launched, parents can select which child this specific request applies and update the changes accordingly.
