high school east parent portal

by Prof. Brant West I 3 min read

How do I access the East Islip Parent Portal?

To access the Parent Portal, please click here. By logging into the East Islip Infinite Campus Parent Portal, the terms stated in the East Islip School District Parent Portal Acceptable Use Policy are considered acknowledged and understood.

What can I do with the parent portal?

Check grades, attendance, schedules and more! Watch a video explaining the benefits of Parent Portal. ( Video en español) “I use my Parent Portal mostly to track my student’s attendance and grades.

Is parentportal available 24/7?

Parent access to ParentPortal is available 24/7 (24 hrs/day, 7 days/week). At some times throughout the school year, ParentPortal may be unavailable for short periods of time due to routine maintenance and periods of high volume usage.

Can I create more than one parentportal account per child?

Unfortunately, the ParentPortal program only allows one parent account to be created per child. Therefore, both parents will have to use the same username and password that was assigned by the district.



Logging in for the first time? Students should use their school ID number as their username and their password is a lower case letter "x", followed by their 6-digit birthdate, followed by a upper case letter "X". (ex: 01/09/2005 means the password is x010905X).


Problems logging in? Want to change your password? Fill out this online form and receive an email with your username and password. If you have questions or need help with the parent portal please email enrollment@madison.k12.wi.us

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FREE Summer Tech, Enrichment Programs Being Offered

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Graduation Day 2021

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Summer Enrichment Programs Being Offered!

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Links for Parents to Explore

By law, all New Jersey public school districts must use the Student Safety Data System (SSDS) to report incidents of violence, vandalism, weapons, substance abuse and HIB.
