Parent access to ParentPortal is available 24/7 (24 hrs/day, 7 days/week). At some times throughout the school year, ParentPortal may be unavailable for short periods of time due to routine maintenance and periods of high volume usage.
Unfortunately, the ParentPortal program only allows one parent account to be created per child. Therefore, both parents will have to use the same username and password that was assigned by the district.
ParentPortal uses "cookies" and this means your internet security is set too high, probably to the highest level of security, which blocks cookies. Depending on your browser, you will need to find the Internet Security area and turn it down a level or two so cookies are accepted.
You must fill out a new Parent Portal Access Form found on the district website at under the PARENTS link. On the PARENTS page please look for the link to the Parent Portal Access Form PDF. Return the completed form to your child’s school.
By law, only school officials, students and their parents or guardians have a right to view student educational records. In order to protect privacy of student information, you will need to show a picture#N#ID to establish that you are the parent or legal guardian of the student whose records you wish to access.
The parent portal is secure and password protected so that only a student’s parents, legal guardians can use the portal to access that student’s information. Soon high school students will be able to use the portal to access his/her information.