hilliard city schools parent portal

by Mr. Maximillian Schinner V 5 min read

What does the Hilliard City Schools Board of Education do?

The Hilliard City Schools Board of Education members are elected officials serving our school district. The Board usually meets twice a month, one regular meeting and one work session. Develop policies that ensure that the school system is responsive to the needs of parents and students and accountable to taxpayers.

What is my email address for Hilliards school?

Typically, your email address will be: firstname.lastname@hilliardschools.org. Now, if more then one student in the district has the same first and last name, there may be a number after your last name. The best way to find your email address is to log in to Google for Education.

How do I access parent portal?

To access Parent Portal, please click the link below and sign in or register for a new account. We recommend adding this site to your Favorites or Bookmarks to make it easier to access:

What is parent U?

Parent U is an opportunity for parents and guardians in our district to learn about current and relevant educational topics and initiatives our district is focusing on around students’ academics, interests, and mindset.


Help Center

If you experience technical issues, please complete a Help Ticket. Our team will get back with you as quickly as possible. For instructional matters, reach out to our teachers directly. Please be patient and kind as we develop these new norms.


Do you need to check available dates or events? Access our calendar quick links for performing arts, athletics, testing, all building activities, and district information.

Registration Process

The registration process is a 4 step process that begins online. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for providing all required documents to complete the registration process. Please be aware that once registration is complete, it is a minimum of two days before the student will actually attend.

Have you Moved Recently?

You are required to provide new proof of residency. Learn what is required to update your address.

Home Address Verification Eligibility

If you are unsure if you reside within the boundaries of the Hilliard City School District, please check the following documents to verify.


OHSAA (Ohio High School Athletic Association) rules stipulate that when a voluntary transfer to another high school is granted to a student in grades 9-12, the student shall be ineligible for all contests (including all scrimmages, preview/jamboree/Foundation games) until after the first 50 percent of the maximum allowable regular-season contests in those sports in which the student participated during the 12 months immediately preceding this transfer have been completed.

Preschool and Peer Model Program

The program is primarily designed for children with disabilities; however, typically developing preschool-age children who enjoy a well-rounded, developmentally appropriate preschool experience may apply to serve as peer models for the students with disabilities. Click on the appropriate grade level above to start the registration process.

Kindergarten Students

If your child will be 5 years old on or before September 30th of the current school year, he/she is eligible to start kindergarten for the current school year. View the Kindergarten Guide. Kindergarten Screening is handled at the building, so contact them for more information.
