hillsidek12 parent portal

by Robb Pfeffer 5 min read

How can parents engage with the hillside community?

Beyond the valuable advisor-family connection, parents are encouraged to engage with the Hillside community during events throughout the school year, through visits to campus, or by cheering on our athletic teams, home or away. Hillside is fortunate to have a parent group that makes giving back a priority.

Does Hillsdale Public Schools use the realtime Parent Portal?

As part of our continued efforts to improve communication with parents, the Hillsdale Public Schools will employ the use of the Realtime Parent Portal.

What is the Genesis parent access portal?

The Genesis Parent Access Portal is a safe and secure way to view your child's/student school record for the current school year. This new tool will help improve communication about student progress and attendance and allow the school and home to work together more closely to ensure student success.

Who are the administrators of Hillside K12?

The school is led by administrators Victoria Palmer-Gilliard, Principal, Rahim Graham, Principal, Dr. Brita Theadford, Instructional Supervisor, and Stephanie Rodrigues-Silva, Early Childhood Supervisor. Mrs. Palmer-Gilliard can be reached at vpalmer-gilliard @ hillsidek12.org.


Outside Visitors

Parents At this time, parents are asked to stay outside of the building with the exception of emergency situations. Tours and Admissions During the first semester of Hillside (until Winter break), Hillside will not be conducting any in-person tours unless there is an immediate vacancy available.

Travel Policy

Hillside may ask a student or staff member to quarantine after travel based on the location, mode of transportation, and level of exposure. Please email Hillside directly with your travel plans prior to leaving and we will let you know if any post-travel quarantine will be needed. Currently, plane travel is considered okay if a […]

Isolation & Quarantine

Isolation Vs Quarantine Isolation = Sick: Isolation involves the separation of infected and sick individuals from healthy individuals.

Hygiene & Cleaning

Hygiene Hand washing or hand sanitizing will be expanded from our daily routines of the past. We have installed hand sanitizing stations in each classroom and high traffic areas. Staff and students will be hand washing or sanitizing at the following times during the day: Upon arrival Prior to eating After using the bathroom After […]

Masks & Social Distancing

Masks Masks are required inside Hillside at all times. Per the recommendations of Boulder Public Health, we are asking that all masks be cloth, surgical, or KN-95/ N-95. Neck gaiters and bandanas are not considered adequate for masking. All teachers, administrators and other staff are required to wear masks at all times Parents are required […]


Monday, February 21st- No School (President's Day); Wednesday, February 23rd (Virtual Parent/ Teacher Conferences)

Latest News

Please click on the link below for the Bus Application for the 2021-2022 school year. Please note that all parents of students who will be in Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st graders for the 2021-2022, must fill out a Bus Application.

Principal's Message

The school is led by administrators Victoria Palmer-Gilliard, Principal, Chris Derflinger, Vice Principal, Dr. Brita Theadford, Instructional Supervisor, and Stephanie Rodrigues-Silva, Early Childhood Supervisor. Mrs. Palmer-Gilliard can be reached at vpalmer-gilliard @ hillsidek12.org.
