hilltop prep parent portal

by Rudy Gutmann 8 min read

Why hill top preparatory school?

Hill Top Preparatory School provides life-changing experiences for bright and creative students who struggle to achieve academic and social success due to performance-based learning differences including ADHD, high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders, specific learning disabilities, or anxiety.

Why choose hill top?

Through strong family-school collaboration Hill Top prepares students for future success in college, work, and life as independent adults. Read More News & Announcements Matt Wisecarver ’18 Takes to the Skies

What do I do if I cannot access the parent portal?

If you did not receive your letter or require assistance in setting up your parent account or you do not have internet access for the parent portal, please contact the office at 780 778 2446 for assistance. If you'd like to visit the Parent Portal, click here.


Jupiter Grades Information

Jupiter Grades is an online grade book that our Hilltop High teachers use to record grades. Please click HERE for a short guide that will help you access your students’ grades in Jupiter Grades.


Do you qualify for free/reduced lunch? If you do, you may also qualify for the following discounts:

State Information

The Sweetwater Union High School District has partnered with the Chula Vista Police Department to bring specially trained dogs onto our school campus to deter contraband substances from being brought onto our site. This resource is one way to ensure a safe learning environment on campus and deter students from bringing illegal substances to school.
