hillview elementary parent portal

by Lee Swaniawski 8 min read

What is Hillview Elementary School?

Welcome to Hillview Elementary School, the premier elementary school in the state of Pennsylvania. Our school educates approximately 900 hard-working students each school year and is a proud part of the Grove City Area School District.

Where can I find the Hillview happenings newsletter?

All monthly “Hillview Happenings” newsletters, which include our school’s monthly calendars, PTO information and more will be posted there. To access the Hillview Virtual Backpack: 1) Go to the LCSD website: “Lancasterschools.org.” 2) Go to “Select a School” and click on “Hillview Elementary.”

Do you have any volunteer opportunities at Hillview?

We have many opportunities for volunteers here at Hillview from classroom parties to PTA events like the Bookfair, helping hands are needed. Newark City Schools requires that all volunteers complete a volunteer application form before working with students.

What is Hillview Elementary's nondiscrimination policy?

Hillview Elementary does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to designated youth groups. The following individuals are designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:


How many Chromebooks will Newark City Schools have in 2021?

The district has purchased more than 3,100 Chromebooks with grant money — enough for every student in grades 6-12 — and will use existing devices to provide in-school access to all elementary students. The $1.2 million purchase is made possible through many grants: $419,000 from the City of Newark’s COVID-relief funds; $535,000 from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund; and $270,000 from Special Education funds.

When is the kindergarten registration period in Newark?

Newark City Schools will hold its annual kindergarten registration period from April 5 through April 16, with appointments from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day, and appointments until 7 p.m. on Wednesdays.

What is P-EBT in school?

P-EBT: These funds which are provided from the NSLP are only sent to those students who qualify for Free or Reduced meals. School eligibility guidelines have varied the past school year. We are unsure at this time if P-EBT will be issued and or what conditions must be met.

Does Newark High School publish a supply list?

School supply lists for the 2021-22 school year are now available. Newark High School does not publish a supply list, as supplies differ between classes. Please click the below links for your student's supply list:

Who is the superintendent of the district in 2021?

Superintendent David Lewis was able to visit classrooms across the district this month to congratulate our April 2021 Citizens of the Month. Students are honored monthly based on their actions inside and outside of the classroom at school. They are nominated by their teachers. Usually, students are able to invite their families to a pizza lunch to recognize their achievement. This year, students are being recognized in front of their peers, with a certificate and coupons. Find pictures of the students by clicking here.

Is Newark Digital Academy accepting new students?

Although Newark Digital Academy is not accepting new students, NCS will continue to offer virtual learning options for families who wish to stay home. If you are interested in your student continuing to learn virtually, CLICK HERE.

Excited to Welcome Our Newest Legends!

Registration is now open for children entering kindergarten in the 2022-23 school year. Parents and guardians can start the registration process online.

Rising Above Challenges to Ensure Engaging Opportunities

It is hard to believe that we have officially reached the midpoint of the school year. Our faculty and staff continue to rise above challenges, going above and beyond every day, to ensure that our students experience as much normalcy as possible.
