hiram parent portal

by Mrs. Janiya Schroeder 8 min read

How do I contact Hiram University student accounts?

Student Accounts The Student Accounts Office assists with bill payment, including questions about payment plans, please email StudentAccounts@hiram.edu or call 330.569.5114. If you have a question about financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 330.569.5107.

How do parents access the parent portal?

Parents can access the Parent Portal through the Infinite Campus app on their mobile device. The Infinite Campus app is included as part of the Paulding County School District app package that can be downloaded here: Paulding County School District App

How long does it take to make changes to the parent portal?

Changes will take 24 to 48 hours to activate new changes. Parents can access the Parent Portal through the Infinite Campus app on their mobile device. The Infinite Campus app is included as part of the Paulding County School District app package that can be downloaded here: Paulding County School District App


Helpful Tips for Parents

Below is a set of well-thought-out pointers, which will help you understand some of the ways you can support your son or daughter before, during, and after their study abroad experience.

When Your Student Returns Home

Recognize that they have had a life-changing experience and that, while you may have remained more or less the same, they are probably not the same person they were before going abroad.

Welcome, Hiram families

We've compiled these resources as a way for families of Hiram students to keep track of important phone numbers, dates, deadlines and more going on at the Hiram College campus.

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