hmtca parent portal

by Amanda Wintheiser 5 min read

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal is a tool that allows parents and students to access real-time information about attendance, grades (tests, quizzes, projects, homework assignments), detailed homework assignments, messages from the teacher, and school announcements.

What is the Manhasset Parent Portal?

The Manhasset Parent Portal (MPP) is a password protected gateway through which parents/guardians are able to view the following student data based upon student grade level. Parents/guardians of students in all gade levels have access to both parent demographics (salutation, name, telephone # and email address) and student report cards.

Where is the parent portal in Fort Mill?

Click here to access Parent Portal. OurPurpose... In the tradition of excellence, Fort Mill Schools place Children First . . . Every Dayby providing an innovative and rigorous education that empowers all students to achieve their greatest success. Fort Mill School District 2233 Deerfield Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

What makes hmtca different?

At HMTCA, we attempt to transcend traditional subject-centered boundaries in order to encourage students' broader thinking and promote their enduring understanding. Students make authentic connections among the disciplines. Learning goals are clear and instructional practices and activities honor differences in students' learning styles.


Dori and Kevin Parniawski

Dori and I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work in making the distance learning an option and a reality for our kids. The organization and work you have put into this is amazing and the kids will truly benefit from this over the next couple of weeks.

Caroline Perotta

MANY thanks to you and all the teachers. You guys did an amazing job transitioning the kids to online learning and they are being challenged and only missed one day of school because of this. And I know it’s a lot to manage remotely for the teachers so, great work!! Enjoy a well-deserved relaxing weekend!!!

Jeannie Coppola

I wanted to take a minute now that the first full week of distance learning has come to an end to say a huge THANK YOU!!!
