hobart harmony parent portal

by Amparo Kohler 9 min read

What is the Hobart public school Parent Portal?

Parent Portal Information Hobart Public School District has implemented the Parent Portal as a means to further promote educational excellence and to enhance communications with parents. The Parent Portalallows guardians to view their child’s school records anywhere, any time. Parent Portal Sign-in

Why choose school city of Hobart community?

The School City of Hobart Community will foster intellectual curiosity, natural abilities, critical thinking, and literacy in students while developing respectful and responsible citizens who are excited about the challenges of tomorrow, confident in their ability to chart the future, and dedicated to the pursuit of lifelong learning.

What is the parent portal?

Hobart Public School District has implemented the Parent Portal as a means to further promote educational excellence and to enhance communications with parents. The Parent Portalallows guardians to view their child’s school records anywhere, any time. Parent Portal

Why Harmony Public Schools?

Through a series of workshops during and after school parents will learn specific student support skills such as student advocacy, financial empowerment, digital literacy and post-secondary access. At Harmony Public Schools we believe that every aspect of life provides an avenue for learning.


What is Hobart Harmony?

Hobart Harmony promotes the love of a-cappella performance. We aim to achieve excellence in an equitable, inclusive, fun and supportive environment. We provide learning opportunities to enable each chorus member to reach her full potential, to perform with joy and vibrancy.

How many women are in Hobart Harmony?

Hobart Harmony, Tasmania’s only Sweet Adelines Chorus, is made up of around 60 women committed to the art of a cappella performance. We sing 4 part arrangements of classic and modern songs in both barbershop and contemporary styles, and perform with energy and flair! Learn more.

What is Harmony Public Schools?

Harmony Public Schools offers dance, singing and glee clubs for students. They can engage in their chosen field.

How many college graduates will be in Harmony Public Schools in 2020?

The U.S. Department of Education is calling for five million more college graduates by 2020 to regain our global lead in educational attainment. Harmony Public Schools follows the strategies suggested by Harvard University listed below to reduce Summer Melt among our campuses.

What is Harmony Honors Scholarship?

These scholarships, known as a Harmony Honors Scholarship (“HHS”), are offered to eligible HPS graduates pursuing an undergraduate degree from a college or university ranked 1-100 in the annual US News & World Report “Best Colleges” publication.

How did Harmony change my life?

Harmony changed my life because the environment was built just to do exactly that, to nurture the minds of children and to alter their futures in a positive way.

What is parent engagement in school?

Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. To increase parent engagement in school health, schools must make a positive connection with parents.

Can a parent transport a child to school?

Students must travel by transportation provided by the school except when accompanied by their parent. Parents may not transport any other child but their own. Clothing worn is at the discretion of the administration.

Digital Edition of Focus on Education

Enjoy this month's newsletter and find out what amazing things our Brickies are doing!

Brickie Community Health Clinic

Brickie Community Health Clinic is a great resource for the community to receive health care! From sore throats to school physicals, Julie Burk, FNP and her team have you covered! The Brickie Clinic is open to the public and located inside HHS.

Here Comes the Bus!

Stay informed with your bus route updates by using the Here Comes the Bus technology with information from the SCOH's Transportation Department! Learn more here!

Late Start Wednesdays

Late Start Wednesdays are back this year to help our staff better educate your children! Please note that school times will begin later on Wednesdays as well breakfast in our cafes.

Skyward Family Access

Would you like to easily access your child's Skyward anywhere at anytime? Now you can with the Skyward App!

School City of Hobart is Building College and Career Ready Students One Brick at a Time!

The School City of Hobart Community will foster intellectual curiosity, natural abilities, critical thinking, and literacy in students while developing respectful and responsible citizens who are excited about the challenges of tomorrow, confident in their ability to chart the future, and dedicated to the pursuit of lifelong learning.
