holytrinity parent portal

by Prof. Valentin Mann Jr. 8 min read

What is the Holy Trinity Parent Portal?

All current Holy Trinity parents have access to a secure, password-protected Parent Portal site that will provide them access to: student-related information such as schedules, assignments and grades (the amount of information varies with grade level)

How do I contact Holy Trinity Catholic high school?

Catholic High School 6608 West Adams Ave, Temple, TX 76502. Phone: (254) 771-0787 ~ Fax: (254) 771-2285. Welcome Welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic High School. Thank you for taking the time to explore our website.

Why choose Holy Trinity High School?

Holy Trinity Catholic High School seeks to form the Christian Leaders of Tomorrow; we strive to develop the intellect, educate the heart, and form the character of each student by giving witness to Gospel values.

Why haven't I received an email from the htrinity Parent Portal?

If you do not receive an email from htrinity.myschoolapp.com, please check your junk/spam folder then contact parentportal@htrinity.org


Dori and Kevin Parniawski

Dori and I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work in making the distance learning an option and a reality for our kids. The organization and work you have put into this is amazing and the kids will truly benefit from this over the next couple of weeks.

Caroline Perotta

MANY thanks to you and all the teachers. You guys did an amazing job transitioning the kids to online learning and they are being challenged and only missed one day of school because of this. And I know it’s a lot to manage remotely for the teachers so, great work!! Enjoy a well-deserved relaxing weekend!!!

Jeannie Coppola

I wanted to take a minute now that the first full week of distance learning has come to an end to say a huge THANK YOU!!!
