homelogic parent portal

by Alanis Hegmann V 10 min read


Welcome to the Edsby Reporting, Gradebook Checklist & Family Communication PD module for Monday, October 26, 2020.

Reporting Overview for Report Period 1

Report cards are a snapshot in time that communicate a small part of overall achievement, but they are sometimes out of date by the time they get printed and distributed to families.

Teacher Task - Gradebook Checklist for Grades 1 - 12 Teachers

A crucial component for reporting is making sure your assessments are up to date in the Edsby gradebook. Remember to share your assessments and update your gradebooks weekly.

Teacher Task - Seating Plan for COVID Contact Tracing

Each class will need a seating plan submitted to the office for COVID contact tracing. Please generate an Edsby seating plan PDF and follow directions by your administrator on how they will collect this information. See the Edsby Seating Plans document for complete instructions.
