hoover high school parent portal

by Mr. Rylan Anderson MD 10 min read

Why choose Hoover High School?

Hoover High School exists to provide a learning environment for academic excellence where students think critically, take responsibility for their actions, are connected to the community, and are challenged to reach their individual potential for success in the future.

How do I access my parent connection/Parent Portal account?

To access your Parent Connection / Parent Portal account, please visit the Glendale Unified School District Parent Connection link below. We highly recommend all parents sign up for "Email Notifications" as part of your account. Simply login to your parent connect account, click on the upper right side for "Email Notifications".

What is parental connection?

Parent Connection provides parents/guardians access to their child’s student information over the Internet. Using a confidential Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Password, parents/guardians can connect to the school’s database and view their child’s Progress Reports, Attendance, Class Schedule, and update Emergency Contact Information.

How do I sign up for email notifications as a parent?

We highly recommend all parents sign up for "Email Notifications" as part of your account. Simply login to your parent connect account, click on the upper right side for "Email Notifications". You will receive a nightly email with information about your child's day at school!



OUR MISSION / In a safe, caring atmosphere of teaching and learning, Hoover City Schools provide each student with opportunities to develop exemplary character and achieve personal excellence through a rigorous and relevant curriculum

How do I begin enrollment?

Enrollment questions can be found under New to HCS? at the top of the homepage.

Where can I find zoning boundaries?

A web-based zoning boundary tool exists for families to discover school zones. Any questions should be directed to Student Services at 205-439-1016.

Where can I sign up for Afterschool Academy (YMCA)?

Visit our departmental page YMCA Afterschool Academy for more information.

Where is the school year calendar?

Click the calendar icon under the slideshow for school year calendars.
