horizon charter school parent portal

by Wendell Pfannerstill IV 7 min read

Why choose horizon charter schools for homeschooling?

One of the biggest benefits to homeschooling with Horizon Charter Schools (HCS) is the amount of parent and student support we provide. With a history that spans more than two decades, we are well versed in the needs of families like yours. We provide a wide variety of resources to assist you and your children in your home study journey.

Is Horizon Charter Schools WASC accredited?

An error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later. Horizon Charter Schools is WASC accredited through June 30, 2024, certifying that the school is a trustworthy institution, validating the integrity of Horizon’s educational programs, and fulfilling a requirement as a CSU/UC approved school for A-G courses.

How do I search for textbooks on Horizon?

Enter your search query in the “Find” box, and click on the appropriate button below. To see what textbooks are available, Horizon families can login to the CRC database. In the upper right, click “Log In.” Use your student ID number as the username and your ST’s last name as the password.



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Learning Project: Family Tree

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