how do you check your gpa on parent portal

by Chester Haag 10 min read

In SIS (Parent View) click on Course History. GPA is listed at the top of the screen. Subject: FCPS ParentVue/Naviance: where is GPA? Anonymous wrote: In SIS (Parent View) click on Course History.

Click on My Child → Grade Change to see any grades changes. – Click on the gray triangle next to the each class to view the assignments original grade and grade change. Click on My Child → Final Grades & GPA to view your child's High School Course History, GPA, Class Rank, credits attempted and earned.

Full Answer

What is the new parent portal for Chicago Public Schools?

Chicago Public Schools is excited to announce that starting April 22nd, 2019, Parent Portal will be replaced with a new system called Aspen. Aspen will provide the same capabilities of the old Parent Portal while adding new features including Graduation Requirements, Student Fees and a new, easy-to-use mobile interface.

How do I sign up as a parent in Aspen?

Please contact your school to provide your up-to-date email address and request a Parent Portal account in Aspen. Once parent contact information has been verified by the student’s school, parents will receive a signup email from Aspen. If you don’t receive the signup email, we recommend to check your Spam folder.

What are the system requirements for the parent portal?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform. * Minimum Windows requirements: 486/66-MHx processor; Windows 98; 16 MB RAM; 12 MB of free hard drive space. Mac OS 9 operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.17, Firefox, or Safari; or Mac OS X operating system; and Internet Explorer 5.2 or greater, Firefox, or Safari.

Why can't I transfer my Parent Portal account to another system?

Security features, such as login credentials, prevent us from being able to transfer accounts from one system to another. I received an email to create a Parent Portal account in Aspen, are there additional resources that can help me with the setup process? Here is a short video that walks you through the setup process.


How do I find my GPA in Portal?

In the Student portal: Click the My Info tab.Click the Transcript side-tab, then click Credit Summary.The system calculates the basic GPA by adding the total points the student earns, and dividing that total by the total number of courses the student completes.

How do I see my GPA on PowerSchool?

From the Start Page, go to Setup>School>Current Grade Display>Take a look at the Active Term....PowerSchool Community.:PowerSchool Mobile.:PowerSchool Mobile Forum.:Current Semester GPA.

Can I Find My GPA on Infinite Campus?

Click on “Grades” on the left-hand side of the page. 5. All student's grades will appear.

How do I find my GPA on Aspen?

To view GPA results:Log on to the School view.Click the Grades tab.On the GPA side-tab, click Results. The page displays the results of the last Grade Point Averages report run. For each student, the page displays a record for each year. Each year includes GPA results for that year and cumulative results.

Is a 3.6 GPA good?

If you are wondering, is a 3.6 GPA a good grade or not. You will be glad to know that it is an excellent grade. According to the scale, this is an above-average score. The average score is a 3.0 GPA, and if you attain a 3.6 GPA, it shows that you have an above-average intellect.

What is my GPA on a 4.0 scale?

The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. You calculate your overall GPA by averaging the scores of all your classes....Search for Colleges Using Your GPA.Letter GradePercent Grade4.0 ScaleA93-964.0A-90-923.7B+87-893.3B83-863.08 more rows

Is a 3.0 GPA good?

Is a 3.0 GPA in high school considered good? A 3.0 GPA indicates a grade average of “B” and makes you eligible to apply to a wide range of schools, so yes! A 3.0 GPA is generally considered “good.”

How do you calculate GPA?

How to Calculate G.P.A.Multiply the point value of the letter grade by the number of credit hours. The result is the quality points earned.Total the credit hours for the term.Total the quality points for the term.Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours.The result is the G.P.A. for the term.

What is the highest GPA?

4.0 GPAUnweighted 4.0 GPA Scale It's found in high schools and colleges alike and is very straightforward. Essentially, the highest GPA you can earn is a 4.0, which indicates an A average in all of your classes. A 3.0 would indicate a B average, a 2.0 a C average, a 1.0 a D, and a 0.0 an F.

What is considered a good GPA?

Most commonly, students graduate cum laude (Latin for "with praise") when they earn a 3.5-3.7 GPA, magna cum laude ("with great praise") when they earn a 3.7-3.9 GPA, and summa cum laude ("with highest praise") when they earn a 3.9 GPA or higher.

How do I check my students grades Aspen?

To access grade information:Log on to Aspen Mobile using your phone or tablet.Tap Grade s. A list of your student's classes appears.Note: If you have more than one Aspen student, you can select their name from the drop-down at the top of the screen. Notes: This list displays classes for the current year and term.

What's the GPA scale?

4.0 scaleThe 4.0 scale is the most commonly used GPA scale. A 4.0 represents an A or A+, with each full grade being a full point lower: 3.0=B, 2.0=C, and 1.0=D. Pluses are an additional one-third of a point, while minuses are the subtraction of one-third of a point. For example, an A- is a 3.7, and a B+ is a 3.3.

Does PowerSchool show cumulative GPA?

You can use this report to verify cumulative GPA values and check for unexpected results. Note: This report has two versions: one for Permanent Record (PR) environments and one for other environments.

How do I find my unweighted GPA on PowerSchool?

To calculate your unweighted GPA, all you have to do is add all the numbers in the third column, then divide them by their quantity.

Is the GPA on PowerSchool weighted or unweighted?

Weighted GPAIf GPA Calculation Method is not specified, PowerSchool uses the Weighted GPA Calculation Method.

How do you calculate GPA?

How to Calculate G.P.A.Multiply the point value of the letter grade by the number of credit hours. The result is the quality points earned.Total the credit hours for the term.Total the quality points for the term.Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours.The result is the G.P.A. for the term.

How to get parent portal in Aspen?

Please contact your school to provide your up-to-date email address and request a Parent Portal account in Aspen. Once parent contact information has been verified by the student’s school, parents will receive a signup email from Aspen. If you don’t receive the signup email, we recommend to check your Spam folder. If you are unable to locate the email, please contact your school for assistance.

Does Parent Portal support Konqueror?

The Parent Portal also supports Konqueror on the Linux platform.
