how to look at student discipline aeries parent portal

by Prof. Eddie Gaylord 3 min read

Navigate to Portal Managment > Manage Parent/Student Accounts The Manage Parent/Student Accounts form can manage several portal account-related tasks. The user can search either by account email address or student ID number.

This form can be accessed by selecting Discipline under the Student Data/Guidance node on the navigation tree.Aug 12, 2021

Full Answer

How do I use the student profile in aeries?

The Student Profile is available to Admin portal users and Teacher Portal users. When first searching for and selecting a student in a new Aeries Web session, the Student Profile page will display. Users can also access the Student Profile at any time by selecting the page from the Student Data node of the Navigation Tree.

What is the aeries parent and student portal?

The Aeries parent and student portal is a Student Information System (SIS) website that parents and students can login to check grades, update contact information, and see any other information the school provides to them. Are You Looking for Your School District Aeries Portal?

What information is available on a student's profile page?

Instead, it is available to give a quick view of key information related to a student. The data on the page pulls from several different areas within Aeries, including Class Schedules, Teacher Gradebooks, Attendance, Test data, Discipline, Medical, Special Programs, Graduation Status, and College Entrance Requirements.

How do I manage parent/student accounts in the PWA?

The account type can be modified via a Change query. The account type is stored as a “P” or “S” value in the TY field of the PWA table. The Manage Parent/Student Accounts form can manage several portal account-related tasks. The user can search either by account email address or student ID number.


How do I check my demerits on aeries?

For school wide reports, the Discipline Report located in View all Reports will produce a listing of all students with “X” or more demerits. This report can be used in conjunction with query statements to develop ongoing monitoring for certain students. Query Report tags can be used to further analyze the data.

What does SSA mean in aeries?

Safe School ActStudents who have a date in the SSA Date (Safe School Act) field on the form will display with a red SSA to the right of their name.

Where is class summary in aeries?

Next on the Profile will be the student Class Summary. This will show the class schedule (SEC) information for students at a Secondary or Elementary with Master Schedule, as well as current Gradebook data for the student.

What is Aeries student information system?

Aeries is an online student information system for teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Aeries allows users to view student information such as attendance records, grades, assignments, and completed college requirements.

What does F mean in attendance?

Excused AbsencesExcused Absences: F- School Activity: Used when a student is participating in a field trip or other planned school function. K- Saturday School: Used when a student is attending Saturday School. W- Vaccinations: Used when a student misses school as a result of not having the required vaccinations.

What does N mean on a register?

N. Unauthorised absence as pupil missed sessions for a reason that has not yet been provided. O. Unauthorised absence as pupil missed sessions for an unauthorised absence not covered by any other code/description. U.

What does grading complete false mean in aeries?

Grading Complete = Alerts students and parents to the fact that you have completed grading, and thus if a score is missing, it means the student did not turn it in.

How do you use aeries gradebook?

First StepsSelect gradebook display style for viewing in the dashboard: Tiles, List or Table view.Always create the gradebooks and then link them. ... When linking Gradebooks, all linked gradebooks will have the same number. ... Add categories after you have Linked the gradebooks.

How do I change my students grades on aeries?

Click the Edit icon to change an existing grade record. Make any necessary changes and when completed click the Save icon. Click the Add New Record button to add a new Grade record. A notification will display with an option to link the grade record to an existing section.

What does N h mean on transcripts?

Non-Academic or Honors courseN/H - Non-Academic or Honors course as defined in the Courses (CRS) table. Mark –Refers to the grade mark received. Atmp/Comp columns – refers to the credits attempted and credits completed. Special Crs Title – a different course title can be entered to print on the transcript.

How do I find my class rank on aeries?

It is under Grade Reporting | Functions in the navigation. This function must be run prior to printing the Report Cards to ensure GPA's are correct when printed. Select the method which should be used to calculate the class rank and GPA.

Where do I find my SSID on aeries?

0:040:57Finding SSID in Aeries Mobile App - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIn the bottom right hand corner select more once you have logged into the app. On the next screenMoreIn the bottom right hand corner select more once you have logged into the app. On the next screen select full portal to go to the website version. Then pull down the menu next to student info.

What does a mean in aeries?

AbsentAeries Code Explanations A – Absent (uncleared)

Where can I find my SSN on aeries?

0:130:57Finding SSID in Aeries Mobile App - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIn the bottom right hand corner select more once you have logged into the app. On the next screenMoreIn the bottom right hand corner select more once you have logged into the app. On the next screen select full portal to go to the website version. Then pull down the menu next to student info.

What does CP mean in aeries?

College Prep courseCP - College Prep course as defined in the Courses (CRS) table. N/H - Non-Academic or Honors course as defined in the Courses (CRS) table. Mark –Refers to the grade mark received. Atmp/Comp columns – refers to the credits attempted and credits completed.

What does SSI stand for in school?

School Support and Improvement (SSI) 2020–21 Program Instrument. California Department of Education.

How to remove a student from a parent account?

Removing a student from an account - To remove a student from a parent account, click the red X on the right side of the screen. Clicking this will disassociate the student from the parent account. Note: if the student is at multiple schools, removing one school removes them all.

What database is used for parent portal?

Below is a list of common database tables and fields used with parent portal account management. These consist of the PWA table which stores parent and student portal accounts, and the PWS table which stores students associated to portal accounts.

Is a portal account a parent or student?

Each portal account is tagged as either a Parent or Student. Occasionally there may be the need to change an account type from parent to student or vice versa. This may be necessary to allow the parent to access resources only available to parents (such as Data Confirmation), but they mistakenly have a student type account. This can be changed via a Change query when necessary. The account type is stored as a “P” or “S” value in the TY field of the PWA table.
