howell high school nj parent portal

by Adeline Farrell 6 min read

Sounds of the Season!

Please enjoy Howell High School's Virtual One Voice A Cappella Holiday Concert, recorded for the Monmouth County Library. This video will be available to view through January 6, 2022.

Howell Announcements

The Fighting HARD Foundation is having their Run HARD for RARE kids this week. Don't miss out! Check out the fighting hard club google classroom or ask Mrs. Collins or Ms. Alberts now to register.

District Announcements

The Freehold Regional High School District is proud to offer summer learning through the Summer Academy: Credit Recovery, Original Credit, AP Bridge Program, and Algebra 1 Bridge Program.

COVID-19 Update: February 9, 2022

Please take a moment to read the attached letter from Superintendent Joseph Isola.

The following is a message from the Howell Township Public Schools Department of Pupil Services

Please see the attached flyer regarding a Parent Series titled “Vaping & Concentrates Marijuana & Edibles” to be held on February 24, 2022 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

Substitute Teaching Opportunities

Dear Parents/Guardians: The CDC and New Jersey Department of Health have updated their COVID-19 guidance for school settings, shortening the isolation period for COVID-19 positive cases and the quarantine period for those in close contact with a positive case.
