howell public schools parent portal

by Demarcus Homenick 5 min read

Where is Howell public schools located?

Click to download forPC or Mac. Howell Public Schools 411 N. Highlander Way, Howell, MI 48843 Phone 517.548.6200| Fax 517.548.6229

Does Howell public schools offer free school meals?

About Howell Public Schools Encourages Families to Complete A Free and Reduced Price School Meal Application read more... About Howell High School’s Senior Survivor Raises $222,828 To Support Senior Survivor Playground read more...

What are campus parent and campus student portals?

Campus Parent and Campus Student were designed to be responsive for use on computers or mobile devices. How do parents and students access the Campus Parent and Campus Student Portals? What if I have multiple students in the District?

How do I switch students in my FHSD campus parent account?

If you have more than one child attending FHSD schools, your Campus Parent account will have access to all students in your family. Once logged in, parents can switch between students by selecting the arrow next to the photo of the current student. A drop down menu will appear with a list of available students.


COVID-19 Update: February 9, 2022

Please take a moment to read the attached letter from Superintendent Joseph Isola.

The following is a message from the Howell Township Public Schools Department of Pupil Services

Please see the attached flyer regarding a Parent Series titled “Vaping & Concentrates Marijuana & Edibles” to be held on February 24, 2022 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.

Substitute Teaching Opportunities

Dear Parents/Guardians: The CDC and New Jersey Department of Health have updated their COVID-19 guidance for school settings, shortening the isolation period for COVID-19 positive cases and the quarantine period for those in close contact with a positive case.
